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"Seven hells!" Dany groaned as she sat up in bed. Their baby was kicking her so hard she swore it had Longclaw and Dark Sister in there.

Jon rolled over and rubbed her back. "Dany? What's wrong?"

She rolled her eyes in frustration. "I want our baby to be born now. I'm tired of waiting, and I'm tired of them kicking me to death."

He started laughing as she glared at him. She had been having false contractions all day since their meeting in the Chamber of the Painted Table. Out of concern, Jon of course went to get Sam, and the maester ordered her to rest.

As a result, she was completely miserable. She kept snapping at Jon for everything because everything just ached. When she wasn't angry, she wanted to cry. And then other times she lusted for him so much she would rip his clothes off in the middle of a council meeting if she could. I feel completely mad.

"It'll be over soon, I think. You're nine moons now, right?" he asked gently.

She nodded. Almost there. "Gods, everything just hurts."

He frowned. "Maybe I can help with that," he said slyly.

"Jon—" she began to protest. I don't want to be kissed right now, I feel fat and disgusting. But instead, he started rubbing her shoulders. She arched her back in response to his comforting touch and let out a slight moan.

"See? Not so bad?" Jon joked lightly.

She smiled. The pain in her lower back begin to fade away as the baby settled back down in her stomach. She was huge — larger than she ever had been with Rhaego. But she couldn't wait to be a family — a real family — with Jon. He will make a great father.

"Walk with me," she stated lightly.

He gave a warm smile and rolled over the side of the bed to help her stand.

Once he got his footing, he reached for her hands. "1, 2, 3..." he said as he prepared to lift her heavy weight.

She wobbled over the edge and fell into his chest with a small giggle. After she steadied, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly. "I love you," he said, his eyes full of love.

She smiled. "I love you too."

The moment was perfect as she closed her eyes and leaned on his chest. He wrapped her in his arms and moved his one hand down to stroke her stomach softly. She hummed out of pure bliss; I never want this moment to end.

But suddenly, without warning, the ground shook uncontrollably that it knocked Dany off her feet. She looked at Jon in confusion —what was happening? But the question was quickly answered as a noise so loud it felt like her ears were going to explode came from outside. Without a conscious thought, Jon dropped to the stone floor with her, their hands clasped over their ears tight.

Jon recovered first, and he managed to stand up and make his way to the window facing the courtyard to see the cause for the terrible sound. All Dany could see was the profile of his face, but that was enough to know that whatever was happening outside that window was horrifying. His eyes tilted upward as his jaw hit the ground; all the color draining out of his face. He stands as still as a statue before sinking to his knees without taking his eyes off the sight.

Dany managed to finally stand by grabbing onto the bedpost for support and made her way to the window to see what was making her husband so terrified. But when she turned to look at the sky that was once a brilliant blue was now filled with black smoke blowing upward in growing plumes. Through the window, all she could see through the dark veil was the mountain that once used to add to the green scenery was lava flowing in thick rivers, burning a path as it goes. Her eyes widened at the realization: Melisandre was right... the volcano is erupting.

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