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"GET TO THE SHIPS!" Jon yelled as he directed people away from the castle to the sea.

The eruption roared behind him as the red lava continued to shoot straight into the air. The rumbling anger was so loud that the sky fell down, almost kissing the earth that was starved of light and clean air. His lungs burned as he struggled to breathe and sweat continued to roll down his face.

Where is Dany?

She had said she would be back shortly, but he hadn't seen her since. And we need to get out of here...

"Jon we need to go!" he heard Davos scream at him from the beach below.

He turned to his Hand, his face full of worry, as he looked one more time at the volcano in front of them for his silver-haired wife. The lava was tearing through the fishing village that once was full of life with all the people they had saved. Over the rumbling, he heard the screams of soldiers being burnt alive by the magma as he stepped over those who had suffocated to death.

She's probably already on a ship.

That's when Jon decided to head to sea — there's nothing left for us here. Without words, he started running with Davos by his side, ferociously splashing through the waves, desperately trying to reach the ship waiting for them. He was never a great swimmer being as he grew up in Winterfell, but he couldn't even feel the water surrounding him with the amount of adrenaline running through his veins.

Breathless, he finally got ahold of the rope ladder and hoisted himself up onto the wooden ship. He spat the seawater out of his mouth once he made it on the deck before taking a deep breath. Davos followed him up the ladder and soon stood beside him, holding onto the deck rail for support.

"Where's Dany?" he asked breathlessly.

Davos shrugged, and worry surged through his heart. He saw Arya standing on the other side of the ship talking to Gendry seriously — her wet hair from the sea plastered to her forehead. He ran over to his little sister, eyes wild in concern.

"Arya!" he called desperately.

She turned around in confusion, but her eyes widened at the sight of him. "JON!" she screamed as she came running towards him.

He gave her a huge hug as he kissed her head. "Thank the gods you're alright."

She smiled. "Not today."


"That's what I told the God of Death," she explained as she smirked. "'Not today.'"

He laughed as his face turned serious again. "Have you seen—" but he couldn't even get the words out before an ear-piercing scream filled the night with such power it shook Jon to the core. He looked for the source in wonder; it's not possible for another eruption to happen simultaneously. He furrowed his eyebrows as he squinted from the output of light. The roars became louder and louder, the night filling with sudden sounds of crack that just confused him further. He exchanged glances with Arya — what the fuck was happening?

And that's when he saw it... it wasn't another explosion.

It was a dragon.

Larger than anything he's ever seen; the beast rose through the vent of the volcano with the lava shooting up in the background

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Larger than anything he's ever seen; the beast rose through the vent of the volcano with the lava shooting up in the background. It let out a ferocious roar upon finally being free. Jon's jaw hit the floor as he stared at the miracle in wonder... its beautiful golden scales reflecting against the fire that it blinded him.

Fire made flesh

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Fire made flesh.

His eyes followed it up into the sky, but that didn't stop the sounds.

Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack.

He turned his attention back to the volcano, and he saw something he could never explain. A figure of a woman stood at the top of the volcano, the lava running around her legs holding something.

Jon ran over to the other side of the ship to get a better look at the miracle in front of his eyes. He pushed all the men out of the way who were staring in wonder to identify the figure. Who was that? What are they holding? What is that on them?

After allowing his eyes to adjust for a moment, he eyes widened in realization, and his mouth went dry.

It was Daenerys Targaryen.

Standing there naked as her name day, covered in soot and ash with her head held high.

Standing there naked as her name day, covered in soot and ash with her head held high

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"Seven fucking hells," he whispered to himself in shock.

Her silver hair blew in the wind of the explosion as five baby dragons roamed around her body, sucking at her breasts and huddling around her pregnant stomach. Jon's eyes filled with tears as he saw Davos and Arya stand in complete shock as well at the sight of his wife and the miracles she was holding.

My wife.

She should be dead. She should have been turned to ash and dust... but there she was anyways, standing strong and fearless, unhurt from the lava and fire.

He looked to the sky to see the golden scales of the large dragon from before land on the volcano behind her. It let out another roar so loud that he swore even Cersei could hear it in the Red Keep. Drogon and Rhaegal roared in response as Jon saw everyone around him fell to their knees in respect and amazement of their Queen.

But Jon just stood there with the largest smile on his face — stretching from ear to ear — for everyone finally got to see the miracle that was Daenerys Targaryen.

His wife.

The mother of his child.

The Mother of Dragons.

And for the first time in centuries, the night was filled with the songs of eight dragons. 


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