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"Your Grace?"

She felt like she was spinning as she heard muffled voices around her say, "Your Grace?"

When she opened her eyes, her vision was blurry, but after blinking a few times, she saw four heads hovering over her: Sansa, Samwell, Missandei and Grey Worm. Her head was throbbing as she continued to feel lightheaded and dizzy.

"W-Where..." Dany trailed off as she looked around at her surroundings in confusion. Where am I?

"In your bedchamber, Your Grace," Missandei said softly as she put a cool cloth on her forehead.

Dany could barely see straight as she muttered, "What happened?"

Sansa took a sharp breath. "Your Grace — you fainted. Out there in the grass. We had to carry you inside. The news of your pregnancy—"

That word zapped Dany back into reality in an instant.

Samwell. Bran. Melisandre. The pregnancy. I'm pregnant.

Dany looked down at her stomach as if it were something evil. I'm pregnant. She shrieked as she started to sob.

Oh gods, why is this happening to me? Why now? Why with a man who doesn't love me?

"Your Grace, it'll be alright," Sam reassured her. "Upon my exam, the baby is very healthy."

Dany sniffled as she nodded her head. But she couldn't control her emotions for much longer as burst through the floodgates.

"I can get Jon—" Sansa began to suggest, but Dany's dark glare stopped her.

"You will do no such thing," Dany hissed at her. "I do not want to see him." She looked down at her stomach as she continued to cry softly.

"Your Grace, with all due respect, Jon needs to be informed—"


Sansa sat back in surprise of Dany's extreme anger.

No, I can't see him. Not now. I need time to get myself together.

After a few deep breaths, Dany looked at Sansa again with softer eyes. "What I mean is, I will tell him later. Just not now. I need to — get my emotions in check first."

The red-headed girl nodded silently.

"The Unsullied will protect you at all times, Your Grace. You and your child. Where you two go, we go too," Grey Worm stated firmly.

Dany gave a weak smile, but she didn't want guards following and watching her every move. I just don't have the strength to deny it now.

"Thank you, Grey Worm. For now, make sure Jon Snow does not enter this room," Dany ordered.

Her commander nodded his head as walked out to give his men the order.

Tears began welling in Dany's eyes again as she was faced with her ultimate dream and fear: having a child and being more alone than ever.

I can't do this. Not during this war. Not while I win my throne back. Not with a man that doesn't love me.

Missandei whipped the salty tears off her cheeks with the cloth on her forehead as Dany attempted to sit up. "I," Dany began to croak, "don't know what to do."

She hated admitting that, but it was true. I am the Queen; I should always have the answers. But every time she didn't know something as of recently, Jon Snow was there to fill that void. And he hasn't spoken to me in weeks.

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