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"Are you ready, Your Grace?" a small voice asked from behind.

Dany nodded as she looked towards her best friend. "Yes; thank you so much for aiding me in my braids. They look extravagant."

And they did.  Missandei did a braid for every victory won for Daenerys Targaryen to walk down to Jon Snow on their wedding day.  She couldn't even count them all as she looked at herself in the mirror. 

When she stood up from her stool, her long, silvery-white wedding dress.  She knew the seamstresses worked ever since their announcement for it to be perfect for the Queen. The dress was accented with a silver sash placed across her chest that held the sigil of House Targaryen.  The sash then connected to her thick, ribbed crimson cloak that fell over her left shoulder.

I'm getting married today of my own free will.  This isn't my brother selling me to a man I never knew — this is my true love. Jon Snow.

She smiled as Missandei again as they began to make their way through the castle.  The handmaiden held up the back of her dress to avoid being drug on the ground as they met Tyrion in the courtyard.

Her Hand bowed as he looked at his Queen, "You look beautiful, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Lord Tyrion," Dany beamed.

And with that, they interlocked arms as they began to walk towards the sept where Samwell Tarly would marry them.  She waved to thousands of people lining the streets that didn't fit inside to get a glimpse of their Queen on her wedding day.  When she looked up, she saw her children flying overhead as the shadow of their great bodies briefly covered the street.  Mummers of amazement went through the crowd as Drogon roared above his mother.  Dany just continued to beam proudly. And soon they will have another sibling.

"I don't think they'll ever get used to them," Tyrion confessed while motioning towards the dragons.

Dany laughed. "I don't think anyone does. They're just miracles. Beautiful miracles."

They finally turned the corner where the Sept of Dragonstone was located — its tall, black stone towers surrounding the sept representing the Seven.

It is beautiful.

She never cared much for religion as she believed in herself, but her ancestors believed in the Seven, so she followed tradition.  Although Jon follows the Old Gods of the Forest, Dragonstone lacked a proper weirwood tree to hold the festivities.  In addition, their weddings are much smaller, and they were using this as an event to lift everyone's spirits about the ongoing events happening around them.

"Today we take a break from our shit world and celebrate love," Tyrion whispered as they stood on the stone steps.

Dany laughed because she knew it was true.  She looked around to all the people cheering for her — although the small fishing town below the castle was old, life was breathed back into it by the refugees the survivors of Winterfell rescued. Dany tried to take a peek at Jon inside the sept, but Missandei pulled her arm to prevent her.

"Your Grace," she said softly, "it is considered bad luck for the bride to see the groom before she walks down the aisle."

Dany attempted to hide her annoyance, but a slight eye roll betrayed her. I just want to see my love.

Suddenly, the mutters inside the sept ceased as Dany assumed Sam took his place at the altar. She looked down at Tyrion as she began to hear Sam recite the first prayer from the Seven-Pointed Star. The prayers seemed to drag on forever before it was finally time to walk down the aisle.

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