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Jaime pushed through the crowds of King's Landing, almost as desperate as they were to enter the Red Keep. Leave it to Cersei to make a human barrier of innocents to protect herself.

It'll be okay, he reassured himself.

He'd been trying to reassure himself of a lot of things lately. Namely, that not telling Brienne the truth was the right thing to do. Seeing her cry when he left almost broke him. Especially when everything had been going so well between them.

Jaime loved her. He knew that. But he also knew that he had to finish things with Cersei, once and for all. But he knew Daenerys' plan for her, and his heart ached at the thought.

If I can just manage to convince her to escape. We could live out the rest of our days in Essos. Start another family... free of curses and witches.

He managed to slip into the Red Keep before the gates were closed and hurried further in. He made his way through the old familiar hallways. Jaime tried not to think back too much. He tried to shake away the good times with his children, Tommen, Myrcella, even Joffrey had been a sweet child. Hearing them call him Uncle Jaime had always broken him a bit. But he knew they were the only good things to come from her. From Cersei.

He could hear the roars of Daenerys Targaryen's dragons echo off the stone walls as he searched for Cersei. Finally, he came across the bedchamber he spent so many nights in, and he saw her by the window conversing with Qyburn.

He didn't even think twice. "Cersei," he said, his voice cracking a little around her name. He hadn't spoken a word since his goodbye to Tyrion hours earlier.

She looked over, and her eyes widened. "Jaime." Her mouth formed his name, but he couldn't hear it over the noise of the battle outside. She moved towards him, as though some invisible force pulled her.

Jaime could feel it too, that connection that had always drawn him towards her. Before he could register what was happening, he felt Cersei's lips upon his own; kissing him with want and need like the many times she had done so before. Jaime responded the way he always did; kissing her with renewed passion as her hands gripped the front of his clothes.

But then he remembered why he had come here, and he broke away from her forcefully.

"I..." he said apologetically. I can't give her what she wants anymore.

Her green eyes flashed a sense of hurt before narrowing in anger. "WHY HAVE YOU COME HERE?" she bellowed.

Jaime took a step back in shock at her words. The roars of the dragons and pleads to ring the bells were all a sudden drowned out by her voice.

Her eyes were on fire. "Have you come to torment me? Have I not been shamed enough? My own brother left me to fight for the Dragon Queen," Cersei hissed, her eyes flickering towards the war going outside the window. Cries of "RING THE BELLS!" could be heard echoing throughout the walls.

As Drogon roared, Jaime looked forcefully at Cersei. It doesn't have to be this way. "It's over Cersei. Daenerys has won. How many more people need to die for you to be able to see that?"

Cersei's love-filled eyes drained as a stone-cold look went over her, enough to send chills down his spine. "Why are you here then?" Cersei asked coolly, a new sense of calamity solidifying over her.

Jaime looked away from her and to the window outside. "It doesn't have to be this way. Surrender. We can escape. We can take a boat to Essos, we can start another family—" Jaime began hopefully.

Cersei scoffed as he watched all the light leave her eyes, an evil blackness sweeping down them that he always knew was there, but was too blind to see.

Until now.

"I will never surrender as long as there are men still fighting and loyal to me," she hissed.

He looked at her pleadingly. After a few moments of staring, she finely tilted her head. "On second thought," she began, "Ring the bells, Qyburn. Give the Dragon Queen what she wants."

Jaime smiled. A wave of relief washed over him. Thank the Gods.

Qyburn wrinkled his brow. "You Grace—"

"Tell the guards to ring the bells, Qyburn. It is alright," she said reassuringly.

But a smirk developed across her face that made Jaime know she did not plan on surrendering.

"Ring the bells so the Dragon Queen thinks she won. They will have their guard down," she said as she broke into an evil grin, "and then we use the weapon on them."

Jaime's heart sank. What weapon?

"Cersei, no!" he pleaded as he took a step towards her, but the face of his former love was consumed with madness.

The type of madness he's only seen once before.

The realization dawned on him like an axe on the head.

The Mad Queen.


Winter break has come for me in college, and I am DETERMINED to finish this once and for all!!! I am more motivated than ever. And believe me... the ending is EPIC!!!! Love you all :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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