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When they arrived on the shore, Jon began helping the soldiers set up camp for them to stay the night before the invasion the next day. Dany just clutched her five new babies and held them close as she watched Jon work tirelessly. However, her concentration broke when she heard footsteps.

"They are amazing, Your Grace," a familiar voice said from behind.

Dany smiled as she turned around to see Tyrion standing there wide-eyed at the sight of her five new children. "I know."

He smiled. "I think if any of these northerners had any remaining doubts in you, that has been demolished now," he emphasized.

Dany's heart swelled at the thought. "I just want to be a good queen," she said truthfully as she nuzzled Winter, who was sitting on her shoulder.

"You will be. Just like in Meereen."

"Have you come up with any names yet?"

She nodded. "This one is Winter," she remarked happily. "After Jon's home, Winterfell. I wanted to pay tribute to House Stark."

He smiled. "Very nice choice, Your Grace. The others?"

"Meraxes and Vhagar, after the original dragons that conquered Westeros; Tessarion after the Blue Queen; and Aeryon, a combination of Arya and Aegon," she responded happily, pointing to the dragons respectively.

"Beautiful names, Your Grace."

"Thank you," she said honestly. "Lord Tyrion, I need to ask a favor of you."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What can I do for you, my Queen?"

"You will not be fighting tomorrow along with Lady Sansa. I need you to watch my dragons since they are not nearly strong enough to fight yet."

"Your Grace—" he began to protest, but Dany cut him off.

"They will not harm you, and I need someone to guard them. There is no one I trust more than you," she insisted firmly.

He contemplated the thought before nodding. "Very well. Sleep well my Queen."

Dany smiled as she watched her Hand walk away in the midst of the madness. She then walked into their tent Jon set up and found him asleep on the furs already. She smiled at the sight of his chest rising and falling so calmly. He's so perfect. She changed into her nightgown as quickly as she could before snuggling up as close to him as her pregnant stomach would allow. Her nuzzling his neck made him stir; his eyes blinking with love and sleep.

"Hey," he mumbled with a smirk, his voice thick with sleep.

She smiled and admired his face. He looks so sexy when he's just woken up. "Hey," she whispered back, not leaving his neck. "I love you."

He moaned in response as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer into a protective hug. Within a few moments, they were both asleep, only concerned about each other and managed to forget the implications of tomorrow.

That next morning, she woke to find Jon already out with the soldiers and going over any last-minute planning. She slipped her armor on — Jon had it especially made to protect the baby — and went to say goodbye to her five new dragons before meeting up with Drogon and Rhaegal. She stroked her dragon's snout as Jon joined her on top of the hill.

"Be careful, my love," Jon pleaded desperately. "Both of you."

Dany smiled at the passion and concern in his eyes. "We will be. You be careful. I cannot have our child growing up without his father."

He gave a stiff laugh before kissing her passionately. She leaned in, wrapping her arms around his neck as she soaked up the last few moments of bliss before the war. It could possibly be for the last time ever. She shook her head, ridding the negative thought from her mind, as she knew she couldn't afford being distracted. Dany took one last look at her husband with tears in her eyes before mounting Drogon. Jon let go reluctantly, mounting Rhaegal beside her. They both sat there watching the armies get in formation to attack and wait for Grey Worm's signal.

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