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The next day, Jon woke up next to Dany as he always dreamt of. Where we should be. Together.

"Lord Tyrion!" Jon said.

"Hello, Jon Snow..." Tyrion responded suspiciously of his good mood.

Jon just continued to smile. "I did what you advised me to."

Tyrion nodded as if he knew what Jon was talking about. "Good," he started, "And what did I advise you to do?"

Now he was beaming. "I asked her to marry me," he said frankly.

Tyrion's eyes widened with surprise. "And?"

"She said yes," Jon responded excitedly.

Tyrion jokingly punched Jon on the shoulder. "Congratulations. We should tell the northern lords."

"Aye," he agreed still wearing that ridiculous smile on his face.

Tyrion tried to hide his amusement as he said, "I will set up a dinner. Also, have you pondered the thought of re-bending the knee to our Queen?"

Jon's smile faded as he thought. He didn't really consider it, but he didn't mind doing it. "I'll do that tonight as well. But first, we need to inform them about my true parentage."

Tyrion clapped his hands. "Well if you excuse me, I have to prepare this now," he said. "Good luck, and congratulations, Jon Snow."

Jon watched as Tyrion smiled as he walked away. I can't wait for everyone to know I'm going to marry the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros.

Later that evening, all the northern lords were assembled in the Great Hall for the announcement. Dany was seated to his right in a beautiful white fur that made her violet eyes sparkle even more. I can't wait to be alone with her again.

Tyrion nodded to signal all the lords attending were present, and Jon stood up to address the crowd.

"We have gathered you here today to make a few very important announcements," Jon's voice boomed against the stone walls. He took a deep breath before looking up to face his confused bannermen and crossing the point of no return.

"You all know me as the bastard of Winterfell — Ned Stark's illegitimate son. It's what you have known, what I've known, my entire life. Before the Battle of Winterfell, I came to know the truth that I am actually the son of his sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen — where they married secretly in Dorne for they were in love. Rhaegar Targaryen never raped and kidnapped my mother, they were in love."

An uneasy silence filled the room just before a deafening uproar began with everyone talking at once. Jon stared uneasy at his bannermen as he felt his family's eyes on him. Out of the corner, he saw Arya's jaw drop to the floor which broke his heart a little. I should've told her, so she didn't have to find out with everyone else.

However, it was too late, and Jon needed to finish this madness. He cleared his throat as he began to attempt to shout over the crowd, "I HAVE DISCUSSED THIS WITH—"

But it was no use for everyone was rioting too loudly. He just took his seat helplessly as he waited for the uproar to quiet down. Dany touched his leg lovingly in an attempt to encourage him, but Jon was too anxious to appreciate it. He noticed how Ser Davos looked as if he was smacked in the face while Brienne, Jaime and Bronn all shared bewildered looks.

"Wait, WAIT," a voice boomed as Lord Royce stood up and faced Jon. "How do you even know this to be true?"

The bannermen nodded their heads in agreement.

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