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Later that night, Sansa walked down to the courtyard with Arya at her side to see their bannermen.

"It was wrong what you did to Queen Daenerys today," Arya began coolly as they walked down the stone steps.

Sansa rolled her eyes. "He needed to know."

"I agree," Arya responded in annoyance, "but not like that. She didn't deserve to be revealed like that."

"REVEALED?" Sansa exclaimed in shock as she turned to her little sister. "What about when she drunkenly revealed Jon's true heritage? Was that right?"

Arya shook her head. "I never said that. I only said that it wasn't right what you did."

"It doesn't matter," Sansa defended bitterly. "It's done. I'm sure he'll be falling back into her arms in no time."

"Why do you hate her so much? I know Bran said it was because of Theon but—"

"IT'S NOT ONLY THAT!" Sansa insisted.

"THEN WHAT IS IT?" Arya challenged back.

Sansa gulped as she stopped on the stairs to think. I don't even know. I've just gotten to use to hating her that I don't even know why I do anymore.

"Well you know what I think?" Arya hissed.

"What?" Sansa spat.

Arya held her head high as if to gain leverage over her. "I think you don't hate her at all. I think you're just jealous. I think you're jealous because you always wanted to be Queen and she's going to be Queen. I think you're jealous because she's getting the happy ending with our brother and they're having a baby. I mean, that's what you've always wanted — isn't it?"

Sansa bit her lip. I want to strangle her. She has no right to talk to me that way. "Let's go. The northmen are waiting," she expressed to avoid answering.

"Then I'm right," she countered cheerfully.

Sansa rolled her eyes. "I never said that."

"But you're not denying it."

Sansa stopped to face Arya. "Even if you are, it doesn't matter. I support Jon and therefore I will support his Queen."

"You have an odd way of showing it."

Sansa grunted as she began to storm away down the corridor. She heard Arya trailing her laughing. She loves to annoy me.

She picked up her step, so she reached the outside before Arya had the chance to say anything else irritating.

"Lady Stark," their bannermen said as she entered the courtyard. They all bowed their heads in respect and waited for her to take a seat.

Sansa nodded her head as she sat down, and the men followed suit. She saw Arya enter and assume her spot behind her, keeping a hand on Needle in case anyone tried to challenge them.

"You all know why we're here," Sansa began coolly. "What happened at Queen Daenerys and Jon's wedding was unacceptable. That was not at all what we coordinated."

Protests began to fill the audience as Arya screamed for them to shut up.

"One at a time please," Sansa begged. "We cannot draw attention. This needs to stay a secret or they'll have all our heads."

Everyone stopped talking as one man stood up as faced her. "My Lady, we don't want Daenerys as Queen. We want you as Queen. The Queen in the North!"

"THE QUEEN IN THE NORTH!" they all echoed.

Sansa tried to conceal her smile, but Arya wasn't having it.

"If any of you shits say that one more time," she began, "I will cut your throats myself."

Sansa exchanged glances with Arya. Why is she always so improper?

However, she resumed her fake smile as if Arya wasn't annoying her and glared at the crowd. Although I do want to rule the Seven Kingdoms, that isn't right. I cannot take away Jon's crown.

"I refuse the crown. I don't want it," Sansa lied. But it's for the best to lie.

"But you said you wanted Daenerys taken down!" the men hollered.

"WHAT I SAID," Sansa shouted louder, "was to scare Daenerys. We didn't want her to sit on the throne; we wanted Jon. I never said anything about sitting on the throne myself!"

"Enough foolish questions," Arya supported. "Basically, if anyone tries anything again in the Stark name, I will murder you and everyone you hold dear in your sleep before Jon can even put your head of a spike. Understand?"

An uneasy silence filled the crowd, but the men seemed to understand.

"We all named Jon the King in the North, and he still is our king," Sansa defended. "And you will all obey him. And if that is not good enough for you, I command you to obey him as the Lady of Winterfell."

"As you wish, Your Grace," they responded.

Sansa nodded uneasily as she scanned the ground. Suddenly, the ground started to shake lightly as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What is happening?" Arya exclaimed as their bannermen looked around at each other in confusion.

Sansa was confused as well, but she recognized this feeling. Yes — this happened before when she talked to Jon, and again on the beach. "It is nothing!" Sansa announced confidently. "This happens on Dragonstone. This is a volcanic island after all."

Numbers swept through the crowd, but everyone seemed at ease. She felt Arya's eyes on her in confusion, but she ignored her.

"Is that all? Does anyone have any more questions?" Sansa asked.

Everyone shook their heads as Sansa smiled.

"Very well. Go back to your houses then and have a good night. And no more threatening our King and Queen."


And with that, everyone proceeded out of the courtyard. Sansa and Arya began their way back into the castle as her mind wandered off to Theon. I wonder how things would be different if he were still alive. But she shook her head; I know I can't think that way. I can only worry about things I can change, and I can't change his death.

And while she was so happy for Jon, it was a constant battle with herself to just give in and try and steal the crown from Daenerys. But because of the child and her love for her brother, she decided in that moment she would try and be friends with Daenerys.

"I will try to be kinder to Daenerys," Sansa said to Arya as they walked up the stairs.

Arya smiled. "Good. I think that will make Jon happy. And we don't need any more drama."

"I agree."

"Spoken like a true queen," Arya offered.

Sansa's heart swelled at her sister's words.

"I believe they will name you Wardress of the North once the war is over. No one will rule Winterfell better than you," Arya confessed.

"Thank you," Sansa said as she tried to remain calm, but her excitement was seeping through.

"You're welcome. You deserved it tonight; what you did for them. I appreciate it, and I know Jon will too. They will only listen to you."

Sansa nodded. "I know. And it is my duty to protect my House."

"Yes," Arya said as she stopped at her chamber door. "Have a good night, Sansa."

"Goodnight, Arya," she responded with a smile.

She watched her sister close the door behind her as her mind began racing.

Will I ever be able to find true love like Jon and Daenerys? Or am I meant to always be alone?

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