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Dany was standing on top of the volcano, her eyes wide as she stared down into the lava and smoke inside. The ground shook unbelievably strong, but Dany was not afraid. She stood sound as roars escaped the vent — louder and louder until an explosion of heat and fire. She attempted to shield her face, but there was no escaping the lava shooting out of the top directly at her. However, as much as she wanted to run away, she couldn't. She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her cleanse her and temper her and scour her clean. She could feel her flesh sear and blacken and slough away, could feel her blood boil and turn to steam, and yet there was no pain. She felt strong and new and fierce.

And in that moment, a great dragon — larger than Drogon or any one she ever saw emerged from the top. It's wings so large it covered the sun, as its gold wings shimmered in the light. She smiled in amazement — fire made flesh.

Dany watched as more little dragons flew out the vent as well — five in total. She just smiled at the miracle as she stood tall.

The Mother of Dragons.

When Dany opened her eyes, she couldn't see anything. After blinking a few times, she saw Jon asleep in a chair next to her.

"Jon?" she croaked lightly from lack of water.

His eyes flew open at the sound of her voice as relief washed over his face. "DANY!" he exclaimed. "Thank the gods you're alright!"

He came over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Let me get the maester..." he said as he began to run out the door.

Dany's eyes widened in fear. Don't leave me here alone. She grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving. He looked at her in surprise, but Dany only had one question. "What happened?"

Jon's face fell. "You... fainted," he explained carefully as he gave her a glass of water.

She took it eagerly. "Fainted?" Dany said in between gulps, surprised. I never faint.

His face twisted. "I should get the maester..."

And with that, he was gone. Why was he acting weird? Fear flooded through her as she checked her belly for their baby. Did something happen to it?

But she relaxed when she felt the normal kicks against her. That's a relief. She looked around her bedchamber at Dragonstone with curiosity.

Then it hit her.

Bedchamber? How did I get here? I was on the ship back from King's Landing...

And suddenly, everything came back to her. Cersei. Tyrion. Varys.


Her heart sank at the thought. He's dead. He's dead because of me.

Her eyes filled with hopeless tears as Jon came running back into the room with Sam. They both looked at her in sorrow; there is no need for words. They understand why I'm crying.

Sam felt her forehead and checked her belly for any signs of concern, but he sat back in relief. "They're both doing well," Sam said to Jon.

He nodded his head. "Good," he replied, clearly relieved.

Then Sam turned his attention to her. "You're very lucky, Your Grace. By refusing to eat or drink, you not only put your own life at risk, but your baby's as well. Luckily, we were able to save you before anything drastic happened. Jon just happened to be there at the right time when you fainted. If he wasn't, I'm not sure what would have happened..."

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