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After what seemed like an eternity flying through the air, they eventually landed at Dragonstone. She watched as Tyrion, Varys, and Missandei fell off Drogon. Jorah should be there with them.

A dagger went into her heart just at the thought of the loss of her old friend. Yet he was a thousand miles away, left in an unknown location, and most likely devoured by wights. What if he became a wight? She shook the thought out of her head, this was too painful already.

She dismounted Drogon and stroked his face softly in appreciation for his efforts. Drogon purred in response before taking off into the sky along with his brother, Rhaegal.

"Well, I don't know about all of you, but I think this miserable affair deserves a large bottle of wine," Tyrion said, "if anyone would care to join, I will be very drunk in the Great Hall." He sulked as he began walking towards the castle alone. Drinking away those horrific memories seemed like a good idea.

Jon shuffled his feet before calling out to Tyrion, "Aye, I think I'll take that drink too."

"Fantastic!" Tyrion clapped his hands. "Anyone else?"

"I won't have much, but I'd love the company," Sam said from the background. Dany watched as those remaining nodded in agreement as well.

"Excellent! We can all get drunk and drown in our sorrows together."

Everyone laughed slightly, but the tight tension underneath recognized the obvious truth: they lost the battle, and the people they loved just died. They started heading into the black castle as Dany turned to them. "Tyrion?"

"Yes, Your Grace?" he asked in response while turning around to face her.

"May I join you?" Dany responded. She did not want to ruin their night by thinking they had to be formal around her.

Tyrion looked around at the party and everyone nodded in agreement. "Of course, my Queen."

Dany smiled. She didn't want to be alone tonight with her thoughts either.

They entered the Great Hall, which was carved in the shape of a dragon with doors set in the mouth. Windows were open to give views of the magnificent sea and how the waves crashed into the volcanic rock below them. Its sound was soothing, and the air smelled fresh with a hint of salt. Dany never got tired of admiring her ancient ancestors work on building this castle, for it was magnificent. While not decorated as lavish as King's Landing, the dragon detail in every quarter gave the area a unique feel.

She took a seat near the stone fireplace as she watched Jon ignite the flames in it. Everyone took their seats around the table, and Tyrion brought in as many bottles as he could find.

"So, given our very current unfortunate circumstances," Tyrion started off sarcastically as he poured a glass of wine so high it overflowed, "let us tell jokes!" He poured overflowing glasses for the rest of the table before taking his seat next to Dany by the fire.

"Tyrion!" Missandei called out from Dany's other side as she took a sip of the wine, "tell us that one about the honeycomb and the brothel you started before the Masters attacked in Meereen."

Gulping down half of his glass already, Tyrion wiped his mouth before exclaiming, "Ah, yes! I do feel every time I try to tell that one I always get cut off."

"So, tell us!" Dany said excitedly. Her relaxed demeanor was surprising to everyone considering she always acted as a ferocious queen. But tonight, I'm normal.

Tyrion raised his eyebrows. "Very well. So, I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel. The Madame asked what they could do for me, and I explained I needed a woman to lay with since mine had left me. You see, she found a genie in a bottle, and he granted her three wishes. The first was for a house fit for a queen, so he gave her this damn honeycomb. The second was that she to have the nicest ass in all the land, so he gave her this damn donkey..."

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