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Cersei stood facing the Red Keep, watching the common folk file in through the gates. She had given the order to bring them all in to prevent the dragon bitch from burning her kingdom to the ground over her new prisoner.

It had been so good to see Lord Varys after all these years, especially in chains. Where he belongs. She always hated the Spider with his secrets and mysteries. He'd always give us just enough to keep us needing him for more. She'd known that he was born a slave in Essos, so it was fitting that he'd die in them even after making his way to the small council. A complete circle.

She smiled evilly at the thought as she continued to watch people walk below her. "Our message was well-received, then?"

"Your people have heard the Usurper is coming," Qyburn said quietly as he bowed behind her. "They are grateful for your protection within the walls of the Red Keep."

She turned to the repulsive Euron Greyjoy at her other side. "What of the dragons?"

He frowned. "We did not see them, my Queen."

Cersei rolled her eyes slightly. "Of course not. I assume they're hiding them since the dead already have one," she said, discontent with his actions. "You're sure about the ships, however?"

He smiled widely with his yellow, crooked teeth. "Yes, Your Grace. Every single one destroyed beyond repair. They will not be sailing to King's Landing anytime soon."

She smirked. Good. "That must've been glorious," she expressed as she sipped her wine.

Euron kneeled below her as he kissed her hand. "The glory is yours, my Queen."

She could feel the vomit rising in her mouth at the sight of him against her skin. And the smell. But she managed to put a fake smile on her face the best she could. All he wants is to fuck a queen and give them a child. A shot of heartbreak went through her veins at the loss of her own child a couple moons ago. But he never knew I lost the child, or that I was pregnant...

She smiled as she came up with the idea and looked down at Euron with gleeful eyes. "When the war is won, the Lion shall rule the land, the Kraken shall rule the sea — and our child shall one day rule them all," she lied with a false smile.

He looked at her with shock as he stood up carefully. He doesn't suspect I'm lying at all. He felt her empty stomach and smiled widely. She watched as Euron turned to Qyburn to confirm, and luckily, her Hand caught on to the lie.

Qyburn nodded gently, and Euron's crooked smile widened even further. However, before he could say anything in return, Qyburn changed the subject back to the Dragon Queen, "She's coming for you."

"Of course, she is," she remarked. She motioned to gates below as she said, "Keep the gates open. If she wants to take the castle, she'll have to murder thousands of innocent people first."

"And what of the raven she sent about the meeting?"

Cersei contemplated what to say to her monstrous little brother. "Agree to it."

Qyburn looked at her with surprise. "Your Grace?"

Cersei's green eyes darkened. "I said, agree to it. Let the people see she is fire and blood, and I am protecting them from a foreigner. She can play her little game of thrones all she wants, but the wolf can only tame her so long. Eventually she will snap, and that will be our moment."

Qyburn nodded as he left to send the response. She turned to leave as well as this conversation was boring her. I need to see my prisoner.

Cersei turned to the Mountain as she said, "Take me to our prisoner. I owe him a visit."

After a few moments, she was down in the dungeons built by Aegon the Conqueror all those years ago. And the torture chambers too. She saw her target sitting in his cell as she approached.

"Why, how nice of you to visit me down here, Your Grace," Varys snickered. "It does get awful boring in this cell all alone."

Cersei faked a smile. "We're going to kill your queen."

Varys raised his nonexistent eyebrows. "Oh, I very much doubt that. Your ships are nothing compared to her dragons."

She pursed her lips as she looked away. "There are other ways..."

"Poison? Oh yes, that would be rather good. However, she does have her food tested for the health of the baby. Jon insisted."

Cersei's face collapsed at the mention of the child.

He looked at her mockingly. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is the child a rough subject for you? I heard you lost your child. How devastating that must've been—"

Cersei grabbed his rags by the neck and brought his face as close to hers as possible through the Iron bars. "Mention That again, and I will kill you so slowly, you'll be begging for me to just end it."

Varys smiled wickedly. "I'm sure you already have something special lined up for me."

Annoyed, she let go of the cloth and watched him fall back a bit from the release. "Sometimes I wonder which side you're really on."

He snickered. "Why, the realm, of course. I've said it many times before. I serve the realm, and the realm needs peace."

"So, tell your queen to surrender to me."

He glared at her through those spider eyes. "You bring nothing but chaos, Mother of Madness. You will never bring peace."

She held his gaze for a moment before standing up angrily to leave. However, before she exited, she turned back around to him. "We received a raven from your queen the other day," she began.

He looked up suddenly with wide eyes.

Cersei now was the one smiling wickedly. "She wants to meet to discuss your return and surrender."

"You're focusing on the wrong war. I ask you, what is the game of thrones if there are no players?"

She stared at him blankly through the torch-lit darkness.

"The War of the Queens means nothing if the Night King kills us all."

She walked back to look him in the eye. "The War of the Queens means everything."

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