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Dany watched Jon angrily depart with loving eyes as Missandei tried to hide her laughter.

Dany cleared her throat. "As your Queen, I am incredibly embarrassed for you to have seen me like that," she began as she got out of bed. She looked up at her friend with a warm smile. "But as your best friend, it was rather unfortunate timing."

Missandei laughed gently. "I'm sorry, Your Grace."

"Oh, it's fine," Dany laughed in return as she looked longingly at the door. "He'll get over it." She turned her attention back to her friend. "Shall we begin?"

Her handmaiden nodded as Dany took a seat in front of the mirror.

After her hair was perfectly braided, she walked out of her chamber with Missandei trailing her. She placed her Targaryen House pin on her chest as she entered the room.

"So, what is this urgent news Lady Sansa speaks of?" Dany asked with an annoyed tone as she took her seat next to Jon around the Painted Tablestared with Missandei. She locked eyes with Jon as he rolled his eyes and tenderly touched her leg. He really wants to finish what we started. The thought just made her slightly blush as Ser Davos, Melisandre, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Ser Jaime, and Ser Brienne all took their seats as well while staring at Bran. She did not like him very much, but if he was the key to defeating the White Walkers, she would tolerate him.

"First, you must understand that the White Walkers were created by the Children of the Forest in order to combat the First Men. However, they broke free of the Children's magic and set off to destroy any living creature. In order to fix this, the First Men and the Children of the Forest formed an alliance to defend themselves over 8,000 years before Robert's Rebellion. The War for the Dawn then began where the White Walkers were driven back into the Lands of Always Winter," Bran explained to them.

"Okay... every children's story tells us this. How will this help us?" Ser Davos asked.

Bran took a breath. "I went back to the end of the War for the Dawn to see how the Walkers were defeated once. The legendary hero, Azor Ahai, forced the sword Lightbringer in order to destroy all the wights. This prompted the remaining Walkers to retreat."

"Who is Azor Ahai?" Dany asked as she glanced at Jon with a slightly annoyed look. I don't think these children's stories will be very helpful.

Jon just shrugged and gave a look that read give him a chance.

Dany rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to the conversation.

Melisandre suddenly spoke up, "In many cultures, it is believed he was the champion of R'hllor. He had to forge Lightbringer by sticking it through the living heart of the person he loved most in the world. He did this by stabbing his wife, Nissa Nissa, through her heart; for when he did this, her soul merged with the blade and burst into a great flame. This flaming sword was the weapon to kill the Great Other."

"So, the Great Other is the Night King?" Jon questioned.

"Possibly. Prophecies and ancient texts are tricky since they cannot be translated perfectly into the common tongue," Melisandre explained.

"So, this is useless?" Daenerys asked bitterly. This is a waste of my time. I just want to be back with Jon.

Melisandre shook her head. "Not exactly. There is another prophecy that says 'there will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed, and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him.'"

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