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It was the pain that woke Cersei at dawn from her dreamless sleep. Cramps flooded through her body like wildfire as she attempted to sit up in bed. When she moved, it felt as if she wet herself. But when she looked down, instead of it being urine, it was red. Blood red.

She shrieked at the sight of the blood trickling down her legs as the Mountain burst into the room.

"GET QYBURN! GET THE NURSES! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Cersei screamed in pure panic.

Women came running in with towels as they tried to clean her legs as cramps became stronger like contractions.

"WHERE IS QYBURN?" she demanded, but the women just shook their heads. However, right as she looked to the door wildly, her Hand came barging in.

"Your Grace," he said whispered breathlessly. "I came as quick as I could..."

He set down a tiny piece of parchment on the nearby table before looking to examine her.

"Help me! Save the child!" she screamed desperately, but she knew it was too late.

She didn't need to see the small clump of cells exit her womb to know her baby was dead.

"Your Grace..." Qyburn trailed off as he held the lifeless sack in his bloodied hands. "I'm so sorry..."

But Cersei shook her head. "NO!" she shrieked as she smashed everything off the nightstand in distress. The sound of glass shattering echoed off the walls along with her sobs.

"Your Grace, I'm so sorry, but it's already done..."

"NO! THERE MUST BE A WAY TO FIX IT!" she said stupidly, but she knew it was just in desperation. She had lost the baby; the only piece of Jaime she had left.

She collapsed on the ground in a pool of her own blood as she continued to sob. Qyburn knelt down next to her and stroked her shoulder softly, but it didn't comfort her. Nothing would.

Feelings of emptiness overwhelmed her as her dreams of being a mother again went up in smoke. Joffrey.  Myrcella. Tommen. Jaime. Father. Mother.  All of them gone, just like that. For a brief moment, she thought of Tyrion, but quickly shook her head in disgust. I will put that little traitor's head on a spike myself.

Even though she acted as if Jaime leaving to aid the Starks didn't bother her, she was crushed. I am all that's left of House Lannister now.

She couldn't contain her fury as her eyes moved to the piece of parchment Qyburn set down on the table as he barged into the room.

"What does the raven say?" Cersei asked as she motioned to the scroll Qyburn carried in not too long along.

Qyburn shifted uncomfortably. "Your Grace, I don't think now is the time—"

Her face turned stone cold. "I am the Queen, and you will read me that letter."

Her Hand bowed his head. "As you wish..."

He handed her the small piece of parchment as he explained, "It seems the boy Jon Snow and the Targaryen girl have been married."

Cersei's scanned over the fine writing to confirm Qyburn's words. She crumbled up the raven as she looked at her hand with annoyed eyes. "And what of it? Let them have their fun. They'll be easier to kill that way. The more people you love, the weaker you are."

"Ah, yes, I agree, Your Grace, but I'm afraid that is not all."

Cersei raised her eyebrows as she reopened the scroll.

I didn't bother reading it all with all the ridiculous titles the dragon whore gives herself.

Qyburn took a shaky breath before he continued, "It also says that the new couple... is expecting a child."

Her green eyes widened as she read the words herself. As she sat there in her own blood from the loss of her own baby, a million emotions ran through her at once. Heartbreak at first for her child, but then anger. Extreme anger.

She looked at Qyburn with fire in her eyes. "Why does this dragon whore get to have a child, and I do not?" she shouted angrily at no one.

Qyburn backtracked. "I don't know, Your Grace. The gods are very—"

"THE GODS AREN'T REAL QYBURN. They're just fabrications of our own imagination to make ourselves feel better. Don't you understand that?"

He bowed his head. "Yes, Your Grace. But I'm afraid that does not change your situation."

Cersei breathed heavy as her face filled with fury. She was seeing red as she was determined to destroy her enemies. And all their happiness.

"If I can't have a child," she hissed, "then neither can she."

"Your Grace?" Qyburn asked in concern.

She looked directly in his frail eyes with such stone it gave him shivers. Cersei stood up, her gown still bloody, as she began pacing. "Get Euron. Prepare the ships."

"For what exactly, Your Grace?"

"For attack. They will sail to Dragonstone at first light. I want the bastard boy and the pregnant dragon whore to burn along with all their armies. I want the wildfire to burn so bright there's nothing left of the island except for melted rocking and skin."

"Your Grace—" Qyburn began to protest, but Cersei wasn't having it.


"Of course, Your Grace," he nodded. "However, as your Hand, I would have to advise against this."

Cersei thought for a moment when she realized her Hand was right. Murdering them all there would be too obviously and not as fulfilling. "Capture them," she whispered as she stared at the wall, ideas running through her mind as quickly as the wind.

"I'm not sure I understand, Your Grace."

"We will capture them and bring them here. Then when the bastard comes to rescue his poor pregnant wife, I will burn her and that godforsaken baby alive after I cut it out of her myself."

"And what of their armies, Your Grace?"

Cersei's eyes twinkled with excitement as she said. "Burn them."

She looked down at the bloody floor from her miscarriage just moments before as she broke down crying. Cersei smashed the remaining artifacts left in her chamber on the floor. Everything she had loved was now gone. The glass cut her bare feet, but she didn't mind the pain. She thrived in it. This wasn't about the Iron Throne now. This was revenge.

And in that moment, something snapped inside of her to never be mended again.

"BURN THEM!" she roared loudly enough for the entire Red Keep to hear. All she saw were the faces of her dead children dancing in front of her as hot tears streamed down her face while she stood in her own blood. "BURN THEM ALL!"

Art: beautiful death, tumblr

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