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When nightfall hit, those from Winterfell gathered in the Great Hall for the welcoming feast. Food lined the dark tables as Dany sat at the head along with Jon and Tyrion on each side. Varys and the rest of her advisors along with the Starks accompanied her as well as Dany watched the rest of their guests funnel in. The large room seemed small with the amount of people in it, but Dany didn't mind. These are my people.

Conversations echoed off the stone walls as the final stranglers took their seats. Eventually, she stood up and the crowd went silent. "Welcome to Dragonstone!" Dany's voice boomed through the stone hall. "It is an honor to host you all here. Although we have suffered severe losses in the previous battles, we still remain strong."

A small applause erupted in response as she looked to Jon for aid. He stood up next to her side as he took a breath.

"To our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together so that others might live, we appreciate your sacrifices. Everyone in this world owes those we have lost a debt that can never be repaid," Jon stated.

Dany gave him a sideways look. This is not a very uplifting speech.

Jon cleared his throat as he continued, "It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men as we continue to do today."

The crowd erupted in applause as Dany looked to Jon in thanks.

"We still have a long way to go, but I believe through Queen Daenerys, we will live through the long night to see summer again. The realms of men will prosper like never before under her leadership. To Queen Daenerys!" Jon exclaimed.

"TO QUEEN DAENERYS!" the crowd cheered back.

Dany smiled as she sat down. I can't believe Jon just said that about me — maybe he does still believe in me. And maybe they do love me as their queen.

Everyone was talking cheerfully as Dany scanned the audience.

"Everyone seems to be happy," Tyrion whispered in her ear, echoing her observations.

Dany nodded at the crowd in response without making direct eye contact with Tyrion. She was extremely tired and having to sit next to the love of her life that doesn't love her back was torture. I just want this to be over.

She watched with careful eyes as a figure in the shape of Arya Stark wandered over to a young man that Dany didn't recognize.

"Tyrion, who is that Lady Arya is talking to?" Dany whispered as she continued to stare at them. Arya seems happy.

Tyrion looked over as he took another sip of wine. "I believe that is Gendry, a bastard of Robert Baratheon. He is a stellar blacksmith that forged a lot of dragonglass weapons," her hand responded.

Dany nodded as she looked at the tall, muscular man standing below her.

"Gendry," Dany shouted fiercely at him. The room began to quiet down in response to her sudden outburst as his piercing blue eyes met her gaze with a confused look. "That's right, isn't it?"

Gendry shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, Your Grace," he responded slowly.

She felt Arya and Jon eye her with suspicion of why she wanted to call him out suddenly. "You're Robert Baratheon's son," Dany stated as she narrowed her eyes. "You are aware he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered?"

The room now fell completely silent as they all eyed Gendry, and then turned them to her with worried expressions on their faces. They think I'm about to murder him.

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