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The drive home was silent none of you dared to speak

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The drive home was silent none of you dared to speak. You knew that if you tried then tears would definitely fall. So you sat in the passenger seat staring out at the window.

Your head was filled with the image of the poorly thinned Jungkook. You still couldn't believe he allowed himself to go into that type of state.

Apparently, you were the first to see Jungkook before he locked himself in his old room. Everyone was worried about him but they don't know how to help him.

Which was part of the reason why your mother wanted you back home. Knowing that you two have been close ever since a very young age she thought you would know what to do. But for the first time in years, you felt like you couldn't do a thing for him. The news about him only living for two months hit you like a ton of bricks.

How could this happen? You thought as you tighten your fist. Jimin notices but doesn't say anything. He was battling with his own emotions and he still doesn't know how to cope with one of his best friends slowly dying right before him.

You both made it to your parents' house and before the car could completely stop you jump out of the car. You walk into the house and made your way for your old room seeking refuge. You close the door and fell face first on your bed. Moments later a soft knock came at your door.

"Jisun, can I come in?" Someone asks softly. You sat up with a sigh. "Yeah." The door slowly opens and Jimin enters. You sat up and stare at him. He looks around your old room before finally looking at you.

"I'm guessing this was something you weren't expecting to hear." He says and sat down next to you. "Obviously." You mumble. None of you spoke while you both thought about your dear friend. You couldn't bear to see him in that kind of state. Not a second more.

"He's battling all of this alone. If I was him I would hate to be alone knowing that I only have a short time left to live." You murmur.

"Then spend time with him." Jimin pipes up suddenly. "Like you said, you would hate to be alone if you were in his place. I'm sure he feels the same but you know how stubborn he gets when people worry about him."

You took Jimin's idea into consideration. Maybe Jungkook really did feel lonely in his room even though he told you to go. You do want to spend every last second with him and maybe he felt the same too.

"For once in your life your idea is splendid." You smile in hope. He smiles along despite the fact you insulted him.

"Tomorrow." You declare. "I'll go see him and tell him." Jimin gives you a thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan."

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