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Jungkook couldn't handle another day in a hospital bed, it was driving him mad

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Jungkook couldn't handle another day in a hospital bed, it was driving him mad. He can't be sitting around doing anything as his life ticks by. He needs to be out and about while he still can.

However, sitting here did have its perks. Jungkook turns to you who sat in a chair as you focused intently on cutting an apple. You've spent most of your days taking care of him, you refused to let the other guys do your job for you.

They only stayed to visit for you would give them a look signaling them to leave. Jungkook really didn't mind seeing you like this, he thought it was cute. Besides, it was pure bliss for him to have you by his side every hour.

It was like the hollowness in his heart never existed. His heart was full, full of you, and each second of this unbelievable dream was perfect.

Jungkook couldn't even be bothered by his cancer as much now that you told him you loved him back. It was as though he never had it.

"Jisun," he whines loudly. You look up from the apple and smile at him.


Jungkook childishly raised his arms to you, palms open. "I want a hug," he pouts.

You chuckle with a shake of your head, "But I just gave you one ten minutes ago."

You place down the knife and apple on the end table as you grin at Jungkook. He shakes his head in disagreement. "Don't care, I want another one."

You know you couldn't say no to him, you also wanted another hug from him. Rolling your eyes playfully you stand up with a sigh and situate yourself on the edge of the bed.

A playful grin appears on Jungkook's face as he quickly grabs your arm pulling you to him. You laugh loudly as you felt yourself collide with his body.

"Jungkook," you laugh. "You shouldn't do that."

"Why not?" He challenges with a raised brow.

"Because you might hurt yourself. You're not fully recovered, you know."

Jungkook rolls his eyes with his bunny smile widening. "I'm fine, Jisun. Really." He squeezes you tightly to prove his point causing you to laugh even more.

"You know, you've been really clingy ever since two days ago," you say as you snuggle closer to him.

Jungkook chuckles and securely wraps his arms around your waist while he rests his cheek upon the top of your head. "Is it bad that I want to hug the woman I love?"

Your insides twist and turn and you squint your eyes shut. "Stop saying that!" You whine as you bury your face into his chest.

"Why?" Jungkook asks with his words laced in hurt.

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