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Darkness enveloped his sight. Everything was pitch black around Jungkook, there was nothing he could see. Wasn't he still in the alley on the cold paved ground?

Why was it so dark here all of a sudden? Did the city power go out? He began to hear soft murmurs around him and panic starts to roll in him.

There was no one around him when Taehyung and he got into a fight. It was just the two of them in the alleyway. So, why did he hear voices? Where was he?

The worst possible thought flashes through his mind. He was kidnapped. That was the only explanation.

Whoever the captive maybe they took advantage of the situation and took him. He has to get out of here, now.

Jungkook moves his face to the side but a stinging pain shoots through his face. He grunts in pain and places a hand gently against his jaw. He lightly touches it but he flinches violently. He knows that's going to leave a bruise.

"Hey, he's waking up." He hears someone announce.

Shoot, he curses with his heart beating anxiously. Where they watching him that closely? He hears shuffling of feet and someone sitting next to him.

He could hear their deep breathing, he could feel their intense stare. Sweat drips down his temples as his breathing gone ragged.

If he is going to defend himself and make an escape he must do it now when they think he was vulnerable. He just hopes and prays it works.

He hears them sigh before placing a gentle hand upon his bare arm. "Hey, are you--"


Jungkook shoots up with a fist out and punches the captive in the chest. He heard a loud 'oomph' and a collection of gasps.

"What the hell, man?!" Someone yells angrily. "What did my man do to you?!"

Why did that voice sound familiar? Jungkook shakes off that thought and tries to stand. His stomach stung in pain and he winces at the feeling.

He falls back down on the couch while placing a hand on his stomach. He forgot Taehyung punched him there too. But he couldn't let these idiots see that he was hurt.

"I don't know who you guys are but when the police find out that you kidnapped the Jeon Jungkook you'll be sorry," He threatens.

It became silent once Jungkook declared his threat. Jungkook felt a bit triumphant and couldn't help but be a bit proud of himself. Maybe his threat got them scared and rethinking their situation.



"What are you talking about?"

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