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"Alright almost there," Jungkook assures as he leads you down the hall

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"Alright almost there," Jungkook assures as he leads you down the hall. You smile lazily while laughing. "I want another drink." You slur. "It was fun."

Jungkook shakes his head and adjusts his hold on your waist. He knew you couldn't hold your liquor well and should've kept an eye on you. At least, he got to you before Taehyung. He saw the look he gave you mere minutes ago and Jungkook wasn't having it.

You look up at Jungkook and giggle. He glances down at you with a blank look. "What?" He asks. Your smile spreads across your lips as you look at him with hazy eyes.

"You look very desirable right now."

Jungkook stumbles over his foot and you whine at the sudden motion. Your head began to spin even more. Jungkook's cheeks heat up in surprise and he looks ahead wide-eyed.

You don't answer and lean against his shoulder. You nuzzle into his warmth. "For a muscular man, you're so comfortable." You mumble.

Jungkook shakes his head trying to rid himself of embarrassment. You're drunk, you'll say stupid things. It didn't mean anything and he knows it.

But he couldn't help but feel a bit surprised at your comment. Desirable. He was desirable. You think he is. He clears his throat and stops at his door. No, he can't get happy about that.

You're drunk, end of the story.

He unlocks his door and enters the apartment. He kicks off his shoes and helps you into the bedroom. You sit on the bed with your eyes squinted and red-tinted cheeks. You place a hand to your forehead and groan.

Jungkook sighs, "I'll get you an ice pack." He takes off his coat and places it on the bed beside you before walking out. He enters the kitchen and opens the freeze for a pack. When he grabs one he places it in the counter and places his hand on top.

A frown forms on his face making it seem as though he was disappointed. He ponders at what Taehyung said a couple of hours ago. He couldn't help but be infuriated at him for trying to win you back. It was stupid and it would hurt you more than last time.

He was angry in the past when he saw you to two together but it wasn't from jealousy. No, it was because of the way he treated you. He took you for granted and treated you like trash.

He would flake out on you, hang out with other girls behind your back, force you to do things. But you endured it because you thought it was love. You were so in love with him that you forced yourself to be okay with it.

Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, he wasn't going to allow you to be in that situation again. You deserve so much more than that cheater. You deserve someone better.

He rolls his shoulders before taking the ice pack into his room. When he enters he sees shoes littered on the floor, kicked in different directions. His jacket was thrown to the side of the bed. He sees your body on the floor and watches you attempt to crawl to the bathroom.

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