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Great amounts of joy blooms in Jungkook's chest as he holds you close

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Great amounts of joy blooms in Jungkook's chest as he holds you close. As your arms wrap around his body his breathes hitches slightly with his heart picking up the pace. Feeling you close to him felt like heaven.

He has this sense that your body molded perfectly in his arms and to his body. He knew it was like two puzzles pieces coming together. He always loved that feeling.

It was too soon when you let go of him and took a step back. Jungkook had to clear his throat and avert his gaze in hopes of hiding his blush.

"So, where's your plus one?" You ask suddenly and to the point. You wasted no time in asking about his girl. You were curious about her but you were also mad at her.

The blush quickly fades as Jungkook raises a brow in puzzlement. He looks at you with a head tilt. "Plus one?" He repeats making you nod.

"Yeah, didn't Jin tell you yesterday? You know, to bring that girl of yours?"

You couldn't help but say that last sentence with bitterness in your tone. Jin snickers behind you letting you know he noticed. You ignored him and hoped Jungkook did too.

You never told any of them why you were so fixated about this girl coming to the party. Only Jimin had the gist but he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

"O-oh! About that," Jungkook starts to rub the back of his head nervously and gives you a small, apologetic smile. "She couldn't come." He lies.

"Why?" You ask with a small, deflating sigh. He looks to the side and bites the corner of his bottom lip. Your stomach leaped at the sight.

"She had to do some overtime at work." He mutters. You pout in disappointment and cross your arms.
You were really looking forward to rubbing the party in her face.

Jungkook glances at you and felt guilty. He hated the fact that he was lying to you but it was the only way to keep his secret safe. He rarely lies so it was easy for you to believe in his fib.

You shake off your disappointment and smile at Jungkook. No matter, as long as he's here with you then that's all you care about.

Sangjun slaps a hand on Jungkook's back surprising him a bit. "I didn't know you had a girl." He lets out, astonished. "Little boy Jungkook has finally become a man." He teases.

The guys chuckle at his comment causing Jungkook to roll his eyes and shrug off Sangjun. "I've always been a man!" He defends.

You cross your arms and push out your hip with a raised brow. "Oh really? What about that time when you couldn't beat Sangjun's hundred-meter dash record?" You question with a smirk.

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