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The sound of rain lightly hitting against the roof was the only sound heard in your room

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The sound of rain lightly hitting against the roof was the only sound heard in your room. You sit on the tatami floor on your knees as you rub a towel over Jungkook's head. He sits cross-legged in front of you with a blank face.

He stares blankly over your shoulder. He hasn't said a word to you when you both ran into the house not too long ago. Nor did you, you didn't know what to say. You were relieved when he said he wasn't upset with you anymore but a part of you felt that you didn't deserve his kindness.

He was too kind for his own good that'll he forgive anyone for anything. He forgave you when he shouldn't have. You want to ask him why, but you didn't know how. The subject was dropped once you held his hand and led him back to the house. You don't want to start another fight especially when everything seems to be fine now.

"Hey, Jungkook?" You say unsurely.

"Yeah?" He answers.

You swallow hard and focus all your attention on drying his hair. "You never told me why you forgave me," You point out. You see Jungkook's eye twitch and you quickly backtrack.

"I-I mean, I'm kind of at fault for this whole thing so you know, I was just wondering." You murmur. Jungkook was quiet for a moment making you feel uncomfortable. You've done it now, you made him irritated.

Jungkook gently places a hand on top of yours, stopping you from drying his hair. He grabs both your hands and takes them off his head. You watch him in questioning as he stares at your hands which still held the white towel.

He opens his mouth intending to say something but a soft, gentle knock comes at your door. Before you could tell them to come in your door slides open revealing a grinning Taehyung.

"Hey Jisun, want to--" He stops midsentence when he sees Jungkook and you sitting in front of each other. Jungkook glances over his shoulder and locks eyes with Taehyung.

Taehyung's grin instantly disappears with his lips forming into a small frown. Jungkook simply just stares at him blankly before turning away. Taehyung's gaze, however, lingers on Jungkook as he feels a sour taste filled his mouth.

Why was he here with you? Wasn't he out in the cold sulking like a child a few minutes ago? Why does it seem like something was about to happen between you two?

Questions swirl in his head that he barely realized that you stood in front of him. "Huh?" He says blankly as he sees your lips move, not being able to process the words you said.

You let out a sigh, "I asked what were you going to say. You didn't finish." Taehyung blinks a couple of times until he remembers why he came here in the first place. A small smile returns to his face as he stares back at you.

"Do you want to come with me and the guys down to the village for some drinks? Jimin came back earlier saying there's an awesome public bar down there." He says. He glances over your shoulder at Jungkook with an idea suddenly overcoming his mind.

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