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"Hey, that's cheating!" You shout

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"Hey, that's cheating!" You shout.

"No, it's not!" Jungkook shouts back and continues to spray paint a part of the wall of the pool. You frowned as you watched him overlap his drawing with yours. You found you and Jungkook's old stash of spray paint bottles under a rotten wooden crate and fortunately they still were in good shape.

You challenged him to see who still had the best graffiti art after all these years. Clearly, Jungkook didn't want to lose seeing that he wasn't giving you any space to do your art.

"Fine, I'll just do it on the ground." You announce and start spraying. After a few good minutes, Jungkook stopped spraying and steps away from the wall. He places his hands on his hips gazing at his art, he had to admit this was probably the best one yet.

"Done!" He declares.

You hurriedly finish yours and stood up. You look down and grimace, if he hadn't been such a cheater then it would've been better. You clear your throat and turn around.

You then gaze at Jungkook's art and your jaw drops. He created an outline of a man with his back turned extending his black wings. It was amazing, to say the least, it's like he didn't lost his touch!

"Let's just say you've won, okay?" You say while awkwardly trying to cover your art with your feet. Jungkook raises a brow in suspicion, "Let me see yours."

You vigorously shake your head, "I don't think it's needed." You say quickly. He approaches you and you stand your ground. "Ah, Jungkook you won! You don't need to see mine!" You shout in protest as he tries to move you.

"Come on, I want to see! I won't make fun of it!" He promises but you knew he was lying. You shook your head, "I don't care! You're not looking at it!"

He gives you a pout, "Fine then."

You suddenly squeal as he picks you up and places you over his shoulder. "Jeon Jungkook put me down or I swear to you, you're going to hear it from Jin!"

He ignores your threat and looks down at your drawing. It was a small drawing of a dog with stick legs and an oval body. The eyes were big but they were crisscrossed giving off a goofy effect. It was like a kindergartener drew it!

He pressed his lips tightly together to hold in his laugh. "What a. . .what a nice drawing." He compliments in a high pitch tone.

Your cheeks turn red and your body went limp on his shoulder. "I didn't have enough time to finish it!" You exclaim in embarrassment.

"Or you just lost your touch." He simply suggests causing you to lightly punch his back.

"Shut up!" It was already embarrassing enough that he was able to carry you despite his thin frame.

"Hey, there's a few choco pies left if you guys want some!" Jin shouts to you guys. You grin in delight and scramble off of Jungkook's shoulder and ran towards the group.

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