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"So, Kook did you find any use of our advice about women?" You hear Jimin ask

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"So, Kook did you find any use of our advice about women?" You hear Jimin ask. You rose an eyebrow in puzzlement.

Advice about women? When did Jungkook ask about that?

He doesn't respond immediately, it seemed as if he was hesitating. "Actually no, I didn't." You hear him state.

"Huh? Why not?" Jimin asks with hurt in his voice. "That was valuable information!"

You lightly scoff at that, your brother and his valuable information. Nothing good or pure comes out of what he does. You just hope Jungkook didn't actually follow it. You stayed silent and continued to listen.

"Whatever, I don't approve of it. It made me look like an idiot." You hear Jungkook grumble.

Jimin scoffs, "Then it's probably because you did it wrong. How was the exact way did you flirt?" He questions.

You fought the urge to laugh. Jungkook, flirting? Now that's something. You can't imagine your timid friend flirt with any girl. He was always too embarrassed to talk to one.

"I didn't do it wrong!" Jungkook defends. "It's just that--" A loud, dramatic gasp was made cutting off Jungkook. Curious as to who it was you peeked through the blanket and saw Hoseok pointing at Jungkook with the look of shock.

"So, there is someone!" He exclaims.

Jungkook looks at him bewildered, "What?"

Hoseok nods with a grin slowly creeping to his lips. "You do like someone!" He shouts in glee.

Everyone's eyes widen in surprise and so does yours. Everyone stares at him and you do the same. You had some feeling he had a crush on a girl after what he said last night.

"Fine. I do want a girl. But she's too stupid to realize that."

Who was she and why hasn't he said anything before? You could've helped him instead of having him ask your good-for-nothing brother for advice. You watch Jungkook as he looks at everyone nervously.

"I thought I told you I don't like anyone." He mumbles. Yoongi and Namjoon scoff. "Stop lying, Kook we can see that you're interested in this girl." Namjoon states with a smile.

Yoongi nods in agreement, "Why else would you ask us for advice?"
Jungkook doesn't answer and looks down at the coffee in his hands. Jimin gasps finally realizing the situation.

"You did flirt! You actually did it to a girl!"

Yoongi shoves him in the arm. "No shit, Sherlock! Who else would he had flirted with?" Yoongi snaps clearly annoyed with Jimin's obliviousness. Jimin side glares his friend but shrugs it off and turns back to Jungkook.

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