
237 19 16

Sorry that it's long!>~<

Your back hits the wall roughly allowing a gasp escapes your lips

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Your back hits the wall roughly allowing a gasp escapes your lips.

You stare at Jungkook with hooded eyes with a smirk appearing on your lips. "For someone with no experience, you sure act like it."

You both just arrived at the apartment and Jungkook made no hesitations to pounce on you like a predator.

"It's called instinct, dear," Jungkook replies in a husky tone. He grasps your waists firmly and leans down slowly until his lips gently touch your ear.

Your spine stiffens at the feeling with your knees shaking uncontrollably from the excitement overwhelming your core. You let out a shaky breath when his soft lips travel slowly down your jaw and to the corner of your mouth. Your smirk widens at the feeling of his warms lip touching your skin.

You turn your head enough to the right for you to connect your lips with his. You take in a deep breath engulfing your nose with his strong minty fragrance suddenly becoming addicted to it. You latch your hands upon his shoulders bringing him close as you possibly can.

Jungkook smiles within the kiss and tightens his grasp on your waist. He could feel his mind becoming blank, his heart pounding inside him at an uncontrollable pace. Adrenaline pulsed through him with his body becoming excited by the second.

The only thing on his mind was the desire to have you. He pulls you to him with the need to feel you up against him. He moves his lips in a hasty motion forcing you to go in sync.

There was no sign of Jungkook stopping nor a sign of him allowing to catch your breath you unconsciously open your mouth to gasp.

A smirk appears on his face as he finds this as an opportunity to slip in his tongue. He did it with such gentleness and ease, it was as if he was a pro at it. It made you eager more than ever.

With such ferocity, you grab the edges of his jacket and yank it off him. Jungkook lets go of your waist only for a mere second to have the jacket fall to the floor before squeezing your thighs.

An uncontrolled, low moan rumbles in your throat as you threw your hands into his thick brown hair. You pull on the follicles making the man before you release a low growl.

God, he loved how you pull on his hair.

He grabs one of your thighs wrapping it around his side pushing himself to you. Through his faded blue jeans, you could feel something hard poking you, you pull away with a smirk.

"Damn, Kook, already?" You tease.

He narrows his eyes at you causing you to chuckle. "It's not like I'm the only one," he states. "I'm pretty sure you're ten times turned on than I am."

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