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So sorry that it's long! ><

He found himself standing alone under the dark blue, night sky

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He found himself standing alone under the dark blue, night sky. The sounds of a bustling city rang thorugh his ears with a cold breeze sweeping through his red flannel and white shirt causing the young man to lightly shiver at the feeling.

He stares blankly at the scenery before him, his doe eyes watching the bright lights of towers sparkle in the night. The view was breaththaking, it was like staring at bright, dazzling stars.

Jungkook wondered how he was able to gaze at such a view though. He blinks once before looking down at his feet. He realizes he was atop a building while hundreds of feet above ground.

He stood atop a thin layer of concrete, one misstep he would surely fall. Yet, that thought didn't bother him as much.

With a small smile he raises his arms until they made a horizontal line and began to walk slowly, placing one foot in front of the other. He stops until he reaches the edge of the building and drops his arms with a sigh.

Jungkook's mind was free from dark thoughts. His heart was calm with no pain being inflicted upon it. He felt whole again like he was his normal self once more. Breathing became easy, it was wonderful for the young man to take in a deep breath without wincing.

A warm smile spreads across Jungkook's rosy lips with a strong euphoric feeling. He closes his eyes spreading his arms wide enjoying this incredible sensation. It was amazing, not once did this emotion rush through his veins so incredibly as it did now.

In Jungkook's mind he wondered why he felt this happy. Maybe it was because the nice, cool breeze brushing through his hair. Or maybe it was the sparkling city lights surrounding him. Or maybe it was the simple fact that he could breathe.

Slowly he opens his eyes admiring the city once more. He wishes to share this wonderful feeling with someone. He didn't mind standing here alone, but there was part of him that craved for someone's presence beside him.

He glances over his shoulder gazing at the flat rooftop of the building hoping to see all his friends there silently watching him with smiling faces. He was hoping to see you. But the rooftop was dark and empty, there were no signs of anyone he knew.

Disappointed, a small frown replaces his smile and he turns back to the scenery.

No matter, he thinks. It's just simply nice to stand here and admire the view.

But as time slowly passes his mind starts wandering to you. He wondered what you were up to and why weren't you here with him. Surely, he didn't come here all on his own, you had to tag along.

As hard as he tried he couldn't remember how he got here nor why was he here. It seemed strange to end up atop a building with no memory of how.

Where were you?? Why weren't you here with him? His strong euphoric feeling disappears from his veins as it becomes replaced with an emotion of panic.

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