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Fire. All he could see was fire. All he could feel was the hot burning sensation against his skin.

Taehyung wanted nothing more than to distinguish the flames that burned inside him. It was beyond any physical pain he had experienced. No, this was worse because it was his heart that started to burn. It was as if a war had begun, a battle between emotions.

He fought against the anguish he began to feel and he fought against the red hot anger that boiled inside him. But he couldn't see himself winning that battle.

He was already trying to control his temper once he saw the mark on your neck. He knew what it was, he wasn't stupid.

A name kept ringing in his head, he tried to fight it back hoping it wasn't the one. But when you said those four words, once you said his name Taehyung completely forgot about the war that raged on and let himself be consumed in anger. He welcomed the fire, he welcomed the burn.

You stare into Taehyung's eyes with fright for you no longer stared into a friend's eyes but a man consumed by raw anger and hate. You could hear his teeth grind together while his lips twisted into a disgusted frown. There was sudden pressure around your hand and your wince at the feeling.

"Taehyung," you gasp as you felt his hand grip yours tighter. "That hurts."

You attempt to pull your hand away but he doesn't budge and only squeezed it tighter. He shakes his head in denial, he wouldn't accept it. Not for a second.

"You're lying, right, Jisun?" He asks lowly. It was silent for a moment as you watch him with cautious eyes. It only angers him more, his body starts to shake in fury.

"RIGHT?!" He yells causing you to flinch at his volume.

Yet, you still don't answer for the fear of his reaction if you did. Taehyung knew you were telling the truth, your expression was enough.

"God, what the hell?!" He rages with his teeth bared. "You let him give you a hickie?!"

The pain in your hand quickly became unbearable and you yelp at the pain and roughly shove Taehyung away with your free hand.

"Dammit, Taehyung, I said that hurts!"

He clumsily stumbles back surprised by your sudden outburst. He stares at you in shock but was quickly shifted back into anger. He narrows his eyes at you and clenches his fists tightly.

You didn't care and rub your hand soothingly for it was red due to the pressure. Your sudden fear of Taehyung now slipped away now there space between you two. You shoot him an irritated glare.

"Your outburst is unnecessary." You say loudly.

"Unnecessary?!" He repeats exasperated. "Jungkook gave you a damn hickey, Jisun! My outburst is necessary!"

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