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Jungkook exits the bathroom after relieving himself and hesitantly reenters the living room

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Jungkook exits the bathroom after relieving himself and hesitantly reenters the living room. But only to find someone missing.


He awkwardly clears his throat and looks around thinking that you might be behind one of the boxes.

"Had fun in there?" Hoseok smirks teasingly as he takes out some books. Namjoon and Yoongi snicker but quickly stop when Jungkook sends them a death glare.

"Where's Jisun?" He asks instead. Jin points to the bedroom. "She's in there." He answers. Jungkook nods and looks around nervously.

Damn him and his manly urges. If only you weren't right in front of him then he wouldn't have to get so riled up by the mere image in his head of you.

"I understand, Kook." Taehyung sighs and places an arm around his shoulder. "We men just can't help but get excited when we see sexy women." Jimin raises a pillow threateningly and Taehyung quickly waves his hand.

"I didn't mean your sister, Jimin!" He shouts quickly. But Jungkook knew he was lying. He didn't want to admit it too but you were sexy. At least, to him you are.

"Is she upset about the whole thing?" Jungkook asks and shrugs off Taehyung's arm.

Yoongi shrugs, "I wouldn't be surprised if she was. You two practically violated her in your head."

"Don't act like you weren't also doing the same, Yoongi!" Taehyung shouts with a finger pointing at him.

He rolls his eyes and went back to what he was doing. He wasn't denying it. Jimin looks at the three in shock and horror.


Namjoon shakes his head with his hands held up, "Don't look at me, I'm gay." Jin chuckles, "Same here."

Jimin whirls to Hoseok who was opening up another box. "You don't do it too, right Hoseok??" Hoseok awkwardly averts Jimin's strong gaze and pulls out clothes and such.

He clears his throat, "Maybe. . ."

"OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST!!" Jimin screeches in disappointment.

"It's not our fault, Jimin!" Taheyung defends. "Your sister is hot and men like us sometimes can't help it!"

"Like when she wears bikinis at the beach." Jungkook chimes in. Taehyung nods along and points at Jungkook. "Exactly! You can't blame us!"

Jimin crosses his arms, "I am blaming you and you can help it! Stop thinking of her that way!"

You heard the whole entire conversation from the bedroom and had no idea how to feel about it. You found it flattering that they found you attractive but you were a little upset knowing that they sometimes want to see you with little to no clothing.

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