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You dash out of the building automatically getting drenched by the cold rain

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You dash out of the building automatically getting drenched by the cold rain. You stop to look left and right.

Which way did he go?

You bit your lip frantically as you try to figure out which way he'd gone. You knew if you stood here longer Jungkook would be farther away. Your fists shook violently at your sides as you try to decide.

Cursing under your breath you shut your eyes and took a blind turn. When you open your eyes you realized you'd turned right. You pick up the pace not caring that you tripped over your feet or slip over a puddle, you would always barely regain your balance.

This was all your fault. You shouldn't have hung out with Taehyung. What the hell went through your mind when you decided to ditch plans with Jungkook for him?

Jungkook was probably excited about you two hanging out and you just crushed him.

God, you just hope there was a sliver of hope for him to forgive you. You started to pray wholeheartedly as you sprinted through the rain.

The lights around you started to get dimmer as you ran further into the darkened area. Suddenly the city lights were no more and were replaced with dim streetlights. As you ran you scan the area.

You see the outline of trees and benches with a dark grassy opening on your left. You realize you ran into the park. There was no noise around you.

There were only the sounds of your feet pounding against the gravel road and the loud patters of rain colliding with the earth. Running here alone in almost complete darkness with no other sounds sent a nervous chill down your spine.

There's no doubt you were getting scared. But you swallow down your fear and start to look for Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" You shout through the loud rain. "Jungkook!"

You look side to side for a familiar stature but see nothing. You ran further into the park but still see no sign of Jungkook. Fear struck you like lightning. Strong and Fast.

Did you take the wrong turn? Were you running around worthlessly calling for someone who wasn't even here?

Your legs started to burn and your lungs began to beg for a gasp of air. You couldn't do it, you had to stop. Slowing into a walk you place your hips on your sides as you catch your breath. You still looked around the park.

You wanted to call his name but feel it may be worthless. He wasn't even here. You were the only one.

Feeling your bottom lip tremble in despair you couldn't help but choke out a sob. You took the wrong turn, Jungkook was now truly gone. All your searching, all the running it had truly been for nothing.

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