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"Weren't you listening? I told you, I can't move unless it was my old apartment

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"Weren't you listening? I told you, I can't move unless it was my old apartment." Jungkook says firmly. He probably sounded like a child to you. He didn't like it.

You shake your head. "What if I talked to your parents? I'm sure they'll be okay with it if they know you were living in the same building as me." You reasoned. You placed up a facade of calmness but on the inside, you were screaming in excitement.

This was a perfect chance for you to be closer to him. You would seem him practically every day. The mere thought of him living in the same building as you made your stomach do flips. You wondered why.

Jungkook ruffled his hair in thought. "I don't know, Jisun. My parents are really strict about this for some reason."

You shrug, "I'll talk to them. They'll listen, I'm sure of it." You say in determination. Jungkook raises a brow at you, "What makes you they'll listen to you instead of me?"

You actually had no idea how you were going to convince his parents but you have to try. You had a strong feeling that they won't listen though, but you were doing this for Jungkook. And for you.

"I'm a persuadable person." You say hesitantly. He gives you a flat look causing you to sigh. "Come on Jungkook I'll convince them, I promise, okay?" He looks at you a moment longer then turns his head.


You silently cheered, "Great, I'll go call your mom." You took out your phone and quickly dialed her number. As you waited you watched Jungkook tap his water bottle anxiously as he stares mindlessly ahead.

To a random stranger, he would seem fine but to you he was nervous. He would always bite the inside of his cheek and bounce his knee up and down if he was sitting. You placed a hand on his knee gaining his attention. You mouthed 'It'll be fine,' and heard the phone pick up.


"Hello, Mrs. Jeon sorry to bother you." You say politely and made a move to pull to your hand away. But Jungkook gently grabbed your hand with his before you could move. Your eyes widen and you look at Jungkook. He wasn't looking back at you.


You snap out of your thoughts. "Y-yes?" You ask. "I said, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Jeon repeats.

"Oh, nothing's wrong." You say quickly. "But there is something I would like to talk about." You then started to talk about Jungkook's situation.

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