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"Just open your mouth!"

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"Just open your mouth!"


"Come on, please? Just one more time!"

Hoseok crosses his arms and sticks his nose into the air. "No, you're just going to miss like all the other hundred times," he points out.

Jimin puts down his hand that held a small goldfish cracker and gives his friend a pout. "I won't miss this time, I swear! And it wasn't a hundred times. It was like, fifty."

Hoseok nods, "Yeah, fifty of those went to waste! I could've eaten them like a normal person!" Jimin huffs and slumps back against the couch.


He tosses the cracker into his mouth chews angrily. Hoseok ignores his childish acts and looks back at the tv. Jin walks back into the living room from the kitchen carrying a glass of water. He stops in his tracks and stares at guys that lounged in his living room.

"Are you guy's tv working in your own apartments?" He questions. Not understanding his attitude Yoongi nods idly with his eyes glued to the screen.


Jin stomps his foot impatiently. "Why aren't you using it?"

"Because you have a bigger screen." Jimin chimed in. Hoseok nods along, "Plus, you have food."

Jin rolls his eyes and places a hand on his hip. "I never said that I would share my tv with you guys."

Yoongi cranes his neck to the side. "Uh-huh, yeah, can you move or something? You're blocking my view."

Jin glares at Yoongi before flipping him off. He stomps to where Namjoon sat and plops down beside him. "These kids have no respect." He grumbles.

Namjoon doesn't hear and shouts loudly. "Oh my god, did you see that? That's a penalty!"

"Are you blind? That was fair play!" Yoongi shouts back.

"He's not allowed to touch the other team's players! This isn't American football!" Namjoon exclaims with a disappointed tone.

"He can if that guy was about to kick into the goal! That's what goalies are for!" Yoongi states.

Namjoon scoffs, "That's still a penalty. The ref had to see that." The apartment went completely silent as everyone listens to what the ref said. Namjoon suddenly begins to cheer and clap his hands loudly.

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