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**Please Read The Note Down Below**

Timidly, you exit your bathroom finally done with your shower

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Timidly, you exit your bathroom finally done with your shower. You half expected Jungkook to be sitting on your bed waiting for you but he wasn't there. Puzzled you push out your bottom lip wondering where he could have gone.

Your stomach begins to sink as guilt starts to run through your veins. Maybe your staring made him scared or disturbed. Maybe he was in his room with his door shut.

You let out a deflating sigh, curse you and your inherited perverseness.

As you made way to your bed a sudden cool breeze sneaks up your shoulder. You shiver at the feeling and pull your grey oversized sweater closer to your body. You glance over your shoulder, didn't you close the window earlier?

But the window wasn't open, the sliding door to the patio was. Sitting on the patio staring up at the sky was Jungkook. His back was slouched with his head slightly tilted up.

You notice that the rain had stopped and the clouds have disappeared from the sky. Now there were small, twinkling stars all over the dark, black night sky.

Your feet padded across the tatami mats as you make your way towards your friend. Silently you sit down right next to him and also look up at the sky. The backyard was lit up in warm lighting giving off a calm feeling.

A gravel road swiveled around the rectangle backyard garden. Small path lights were placed by the road for visibility. Shrubs were scattered here and there as well as flowers in pink, yellow, or white.

A small pond was off to the right of the backyard with small boulders surrounding it. You could hear the faint sound of running water from the pond. A few dark green lilypads were seen on the surface of the pond.

Small Korean red pine trees stood proudly around your garden. You felt at peace at the sight, pride welled your heart knowing that your family has owned such a beautiful estate for many generations. It shows how far your family has come to succeed in this world.

You glance to your side at Jungkook who seemed so transfixed on the sky above you. You look back at the garden with a small smile. "It's beautiful, right?" You ask softly.

Jungkook looks away from the million stars above him and at you. "The garden I mean." You say quickly for clarification.

Jungkook looks at the garden and nods, "Yes, it is."

You cross your legs while tilting your head. "This is actually nice, you know," You say with a sigh.

"What's nice?" Jungkook asks.

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