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"Wait, are you serious? You really think that's going to work?" Yoongi laughs with the shake of his head

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"Wait, are you serious? You really think that's going to work?" Yoongi laughs with the shake of his head. Namjoon nods with a smile.

"Yes! It'll work!" He exclaims. "I'm sure of it."

Yoongi simply lets out a sigh. The plan seemed foolproof but they were talking about doing it to Jungkook. It'll work on anyone that was a fact but Jungkook was in a depressed state right now.

He wouldn't care if he saw what'll happen. He would just allow it knowing there's nothing he can do.

"But, Joonie," Hoseok whines with a pout. "I don't think he'll agree to it. I mean, it's his best friend we're talking about."

Yoongi nods in agreement, "Yeah, I don't think he would want to hurt him." Namjoon waves off there concerns in dismissal and quickly takes out his phone.

"Oh shush, he'll do it. He might even think it'll be entertaining."

They watch him dial in the number and Yoongi and Hoseok quickly turn to Jin for help. But he simply shrugs gaining him glares from the two.

What could he do? Jin enjoyed it when Namjoon would think hard about something then get excited over it. He thought it was cute.

"Hey man, what's up?" They hear Namjoon greet. They turn to him and see him grinning like an idiot.

"Put him on speaker," Hoseok whispers but gets shooed away by Namjoon. He stands up and starts to walk around the room.

He nods his head a few times while putting a laugh here and there. His friends watch silently with small glares. He ignores them of course and focuses on his conversation with a very good friend of theirs.

"So, what's your reason for calling, Namjoon?" They ask on the other line. Namjoon's smile lessens slightly as he got ready for business.

"Look, there's something we need you to do. . ." He then explains his little plan to his friend and gained a sigh from him.

"Seriously? You want me to do that?" He asks in uncertainty.

"Yeah, it'll be a piece of cake," Namjoon says.

"But Jungkook won't fall for that, you know. We're not in high school anymore." He points out.

"He will fall for it. Trust me," Namjoon assures. "Do that for us and we'll handle the rest, okay?"

His friend contemplates on the other line while breathing in through his mouth with his teeth bared together. "Aah, I don't know. . ."

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