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You trudge into your older brother's apartment and slam the door behind you

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You trudge into your older brother's apartment and slam the door behind you. You threw the shopping bags to the side and flop on to the couch next to Taehyung. Everyone stops mid-conversation to observe you.

"I'm guessing it didn't go as planned?" Namjoon asks as he puts an arm around Jin.

You roll your eyes, "It's like he's a totally different person now. I mean, I got him out of the house for once but the whole time he wouldn't stop acting emo." You gesture a hand to the wine bottle on the table.

"Can you pour me one?" You ask. Taehyung quickly pours you a whole glass and hands it to you. They all know that you would drink a lot if you were stressed. You took a big swig from your glass before continuing. "I literally spent two thousand dollars on that boy and I get no appreciation! He never said thank you or anything!"

"Maybe it's because you bought him this." Yoongi takes out of pair of iron man boxers and shakes his head. "I mean, I would also not say thank you if my best friend was buying me underwear." He tosses them back in the bag with the look of disappointment.

"Hey! They were ten dollars less than they usually are! It was a good deal!" You defend.

"Jisun, if you want to make Jungkook happy you don't buy him boxers." Jimin states. "And you shouldn't buy men underwear unless you want them to hate you."

"You didn't hate me when I bought you that one pair of boxers with hearts on it." You retort. Your older brother's eyes widen in embarrassment while everyone else looks at him shock.

"She buys your underwear??" Hoseok asks flabbergasted. Jimin's cheeks redden and you smirk at him.

"It was one time!" He shouts.


You huff out a laugh, well at least you felt somewhat better. You watch as the guys make fun of Jimin and part of you wish that Jungkook was here. He would be roasting your brother nonstop. Gosh, you didn't know how the argument earlier escalated so quickly. Maybe you shouldn't have taken him out at all.

"Hey, Jisun you okay?" Jin asks suddenly bringing you out of your thoughts. You realize everyone was staring at you in pity and you give them a smile. "Oh yeah, I'm fine." You lie even though they could see through it.

"He'll come around, we just need to wait a bit longer," Taehyung assures and rubs a comforting hand down your back.

Yeah, but how much longer? You wanted to ask but decided it was best if you stayed quiet. You finished your glass and hold it out in front of you.

"Pour some more." Jimin frowns at you and reluctantly pours you some more wine. They all watch you take another big swing from your glass with a frown. They knew this would hit you harder than all of them but they decided not to pursue this conversation any longer.

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