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You shoved your thoughts of Jungkook hating music away and joined him on his bed facing the tv. He already got a game ready and you could already tell by the loading screen it was the first game you both played when you were both teens.

You glance to your left and notice Jungkook staring at the screen with his brown doe eyes lighting up in excitement. His lips were trying to curl up into a smile but he was holding back.

You felt your chest ache and your eyes fill with sadness. You want to ask, you want to know how you could bring that cute bunny smile back. But seeing Jungkook getting a little happy by this small moment you two shared made you keep your mouth shut. You didn't want to take this away from him by simply asking a stupid question.

So you grab the extra control and turn to the screen. "Let's see if you can beat me, Kook." You say playfully. Jungkook slouches his shoulders and concentrateson the screen as well.

"Yeah let's see how many times I'll beat you."


Hours ticked by without you two noticing. Jungkook was continuously beating you as promised. And you tried your best to not to make a big deal about it. But you were failing miserably.

"Aw come on! That was the twentieth time!!" You shout as you watch Jungkook kill your character.

You whine and lean on his shoulder causing him to huff a little. "Want to go again?"

"No!" You exclaim. Jungkook gives a little smirk. "I'll go easy on you this time." Amusement sparkles in his eyes and you couldn't help but laugh a little.

Although the sound was faint you heard the door downstairs open and close. "Jungkook, we're back!" You heard Mrs. Jeon shout from downstairs. They walk up the stairs and his parents appear at the doorway.

They seem surprised at your appearance but quickly smile when they see what you two were doing. "Wow, you're playing video games?" Mrs. Jeon asks as she looks at the screen.

"Yeah, and your son keeps beating me!" You pout with your arms crossed. Mr. Jeon chuckles as he eyes you both.

"Well aren't you two having fun." He says like he was talking to small children again. "But we brought some takeout. Why don't you two take a break and join us."

You give them a quizzical look. "Takeout?"

Mrs. Jeon nods, "For dinner."

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