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Jungkook holds Jin's stare for a moment

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Jungkook holds Jin's stare for a moment. What was there to talk about? Why does Jin look serious for once?

Jungkook was curious as to what his older friend wanted to speak about but he just wasn't in the mood. He was tired and annoyed, surely Jin could see that. Jungkook sighs as he looks away, "About what?" He asks as he walks into his room.

The room was surprisingly big for an old house. The walls were painted in a cream color with the windows made out of dark wood. A sliding door led to the patio outside that spread around the whole exterior of the house.

A dark, oak wooden drawer was against the wall on his left with a mirror on the wall above it. Jungkook sees a futon laid in the middle of the room and found himself happy at the sight. He places his suitcase by the drawer and sighs as he lays down on the futon.

He lays on his back with his eyes close, his muscles relaxing. Jin watches by the doorway and leans against it. A frown forms on his face, he knew Jungkook was acting oddly strange these past couple days.

The way he talked or acted around you was cold and unfamiliar. It was strange for him to see Jungkook like that since he was always sweet and expressive around you. He wondered what changed.

"How long are you going to stand there?" Jungkook questions with one eye open. "I'm tired, you know."

Jin blinks, "We're all tired, Jungkook but this is impor--" "I don't care! Just leave me alone!" Jungkook snaps.

Jin's eyes squint into a glare, "Don't yell at me, I'm older than you." He warns. Jungkook scoffs and turns on his side. "So what?"

It was clear to Jin that he would get nowhere with Jungkook tonight. It was best to leave him alone. Jin clenches his jaw and twists his heel. "Whatever, goodnight." He slams the door behind him making Jungkook flinch.

He listens to the footsteps on the wooden floor until they disappeared into another room. He fumbles with the ends of the blanket, he knew shouldn't have snapped at Jin. It was wrong of him, but he was done.

He was done with everything.


You watch as your brother and your friends play charades and jump in excitement when one got something right. Their sandals would scatter bits of gravel here and there with their feet turning white due to the dust.

You sat on the patio floor with a teacup in your hands. They asked you to join them but you declined. So instead you just watched as they screamed and cheered with grins plastered on their faces.

Taehyung would turn his head from time to time to make sure you're watching. He knew you were still upset but was still unsure why. Still, he wanted to make you smile and so far he was doing a great job.

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