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You stare at your phone in your hand

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You stare at your phone in your hand. It's early noon and you haven't heard from Jungkook. You bite your lip as you bounce your knee as you sat on a park bench.

You weren't able to sleep last night because you weren't sure if he was in the apartment next to you. You'd hoped he was but for an odd reason, your gut was telling you he wasn't.

You know you shouldn't be worried, heck, he was grown, man. He can take care of himself and do whatever he wants.

You sigh and click on your messages. Still, he hadn't answered any of your text messages.

You: Hey, did you get home safe?

You: Are you with Seojun?

You: Why won't you answer?
You: Are you okay?

You begin to frown, was he mad at you? After all, he did walk out on you in the cafe last night. But why?

You didn't say anything wrong. Or did you? You groan in impatience and lock your phone.

What are you doing?

Jungkook is probably somewhere out in the city alone since last night. Well, Seojun was with him though. But even he was being dry. The only thing he texted before going offline was, You're an idiot.

But why would he say that? Why were you an idiot? You crane your head up to the cloudy sky and listen to cars honking or beeping.

You should've gone with Seojun to find Jungkook. Or better yet, you could've gone out on your own and look for him. But what did you do?

You sat at home waiting like a bum and made out with Taehyung. The mere thought of it makes you into a blushing mess. You shut your eyes tightly as you try to rid yourself of that memory.

You don't even know why you did it. Maybe it was because you missed his lips against yours or maybe you felt upset and found comfort in Taehyung.
Whatever it was you shouldn't have done it.

God, you didn't even love him back. Or do you? You open your eyes and let out a small whine. "Why is this so damn hard?"

Of course, the memories you remembered were the good ones. But most of the memories, when you were with him, was him hurting you.

The immediate thought every time you think of him in a romantic way was him cheating on you. Him telling you that we're worth nothing to him and you were his regret.

Even today as you think back on the past it still hurts you. But he did change. He was much sweeter than before and you could tell he was different.

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