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"What is it you wanted to talk about anyway?" You ask gruffly with your arms crossed

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"What is it you wanted to talk about anyway?" You ask gruffly with your arms crossed.

You sat across your parents in their fancy Mercedes-Maybach S Class Pullman. They didn't answer you and simply stare out the windows as if they didn't hear you. You roll your eyes and turn your head away.

"What, are you going to give me that talk about how Jungkook isn't good enough or, I should've picked someone better?"

What was the point of them taking you if they weren't going to speak to you? It was driving you up the wall since they didn't speak ever since you got in the car. You notice from the corner of your eye your mother shifts in her seat uncomfortably.

She reaches for the armrest between her and your father and presses a button. You hear the screen rise up behind you providing privacy. You scoff in a disbelieving tone and shake your head.

"Oh, so Mr. Lee can't hear this but when it comes to scolding me for other things he's all ears," you grumble sarcastically. Your mother lets out a sigh and finally sets her gaze upon you.

"This is different, Jisun."

"How?" You challenged and shoot her a look. "It's just a talk about me dating Jungkook, right? What's different from it than the one you gave me a few years ago about Taehyung?"

You give them a scowl with your blood pressure rising. You should've just called a cab or something. You weren't in the mood to hear your father ridicule Jungkook and watch your mom sit in silence while he talked.

"Look," your father finally speaks and looks at you. "We understand that you love him. You knew the kid practically forever."

"Then why are you two and Mrs. Jeon making a huge deal out of it?" You question while slamming your hands upon your lap. "Shouldn't you be happy for us or something?"

Your parents hesitate and share a glance. You eye them in puzzlement wondering why they did that.

"What now?" You groan lightly and lean back in your seat tiredly. Honestly, your energy was draining trying to find out why they were secretive and wary.

"Quit the attitude, young lady," your father warns with a look. "We have every right to tell you to end it."

"But why?" You sigh exasperatedly. "All you said during dinner was to End it now." You point out while mimicking the last part in his voice.

He narrows his eyes at you with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. You shrug and look away. You stopped caring if your father was the scariest man alive.

Your father takes in a deep breath as he tries his best to contain his temper. He keeps in mind that this was harder on you than anyone else. He didn't want to hurt you but you need to be reminded.

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