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"You've got to be joking with me," Jungkook says with anger slowly rising through him

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"You've got to be joking with me," Jungkook says with anger slowly rising through him. "You're not serious right?"

You look at him before looking to the side awkwardly. "Yes, I'm serious." You answer causing him to look away while scoffing.

"I don't believe this."

He stands up and paces back in forth in front of you. The audacity of Taehyung to tell you that. What right did he have? Jungkook's blood was pulsing with hot anger and he was trying to keep a tight leash on his temper. But it was slipping.

You chuckle sheepishly, "Why are you so uptight about it?" You ask. You don't understand him, he was acting like it was happening to him. Like it was affecting him and not you.

"I thought I told you not to get upset about this?"

He shakes his head with a strained smile. "I'm not upset. Not one bit." He lies.

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, okay you're just pacing here in surprise then." You say sarcastically. He groans and stops his pacing.

"How can you be so calm about this, Jisun?" He questions. "He confessed to you!"

You shrug, "Yeah, I know."

Jungkook stares at you baffled. You seemed so calm and unbothered by the news. It was driving him crazy, how can you act such a way? He was getting frustrated by the second just by staring at you.

"So you're going to sit here like nothing has happened?" He asks with his voice rising a little. He was trying his best not to shout but he was finding that a bit difficult.

"He said was joking--" "Like hell, he was joking!" He abruptly shouts causing you to look at him in shock.

"Yes, he was!" You tried to say but Jungkook looked angrier than ever. He looks up at the sky while running a hand through his hair. He wanted to shout in frustration, he wanted to find Taehyung and ask him what the hell was he thinking.

He knew Taehyung wasn't joking. Maybe you thought he was but Jungkook knows he was telling the truth. No man would ever joke about that.

You narrow your eyes at your friend and cross your arms. "What's with you, Jungkook?" You demand sternly. "All I'm saying is that he told me his feelings."

"Yeah, and he has no right to do that!" He shouts.

"What makes you think he has no right?" You demand. He shakes his head and points to his left as if Taehyung was standing there.

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