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"So you've got that little idiot to smile, eh?" Yoongi says in an impressed tone

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"So you've got that little idiot to smile, eh?" Yoongi says in an impressed tone. You nod in glee, "Yup! And it wasn't that hard at all."

Yoongi eyes you for a moment. He wonders if he should bring up that time where you drank till you passed out because of Jungkook. He decides against it when he saw you smiling happily to yourself. He sighs and shoves his hands into his pants-pockets.

"Of course it wasn't that hard. All you need to do is act stupid and you have everyone smiling." He snickers.

"I wasn't acting stupid." You correct. "I was acting like myself."


Your jaw drops and you turn to face Yoongi. He tries to suppress his grin but was failing miserably.

How dare he says that!

He glances at you and suddenly starts roaring in laughter. "You really should see your face!" He exclaims while pointing. You both stop walking and you couldn't help but frown and cross your arms.

"That wasn't funny!" You shout. Yoongi laughs harder and holds his stomach. He tries to speak but every time he opened his mouth he would start laughing harder. He never felt so proud of himself in his whole life.

Your eyes narrowed, "I'm leaving." You twist your heel to walk away but Yoongi quickly grabs your arm. "I'm sorry." He says while trying to stop laughing. "I really need your help."

"Oh? After you just called me stupid?"

You knew he was joking and you'll admit that it was pretty good but still! He just called you stupid!

"Come on, Jisun. Don't be like that. My date is tonight, you know." Yoongi finally stops laughing but he was still giving you a gummy smile. You look back with a sigh. "Fine, fine."

He grins in delight and lets go of your arm. "Okay, now what store do we go to?"

Today, Yoongi has dragged you to the mall to help him shop for clothes that he can wear on this first date he has tonight. This was probably the first time in a long while you have seen him care so much about his appearance. Usually, he wouldn't care as much about what the girl thinks.

You point at a random store, "We can start there." Yoongi nods and follows you into the store. When you entered the store you positioned yourself at a random rack of clothes and start to scan through them.

"So, tell me about this girl." You say as you pull out random shirts before putting them back.

Yoongi smiles to himself, "She's so hot."

That's when you slapped him on the arm. He jumps back with a hand on the spot where you hit him.

"OW!! Why?!" He shouts.

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