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Morning sunlight emerges through the window blinding you through your eyelids

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Morning sunlight emerges through the window blinding you through your eyelids. You groan in annoyance and snuggle closer to your pillow. It was surprisingly warm and huggable.

You take in a breath and was greeted with a strong, fresh scent. It was minty almost, with a dash of a tea tree fragrance. It was intoxicating, the smell made you feel at ease.

Sighing blissfully you pull your pillow closer while squeezing it in the process. But, your pillow did something that a pillow has never done before. It groaned.

That's odd, you thought tiredly. You squeeze it again and the groan was louder.

"Jisun, stop." It whines. Your eyes immediately shoot open as you realized that it wasn't a pillow you were squeezing or cuddling with.

You glance up to see Jungkook looking down at you with a small pout. His hair fell over his forehead messily. It was like waking up next to cute bunny, you wanted nothing more than to boop his little nose.

You turn your body so you laid on your stomach, your upper body almost on top of his. You smile happily and boop his nose.

"Good morning, Kook," you say gleefully. Jungkook chuckles with an arm behind his head.

"Good morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?"

You blush lightly at your new nickname but your smile widens. He still thought you were beautiful even though your hair was a complete mess and there were crusties in the corner of your eyes.

"I slept well, actually," you admit. It was the first time since the accident that you had a dreamless sleep. It was wonderful, you felt recharged, with energy bouncing inside you.

"That's good!" Jungkook smiles happily.

"What about you? Did you sleep well?"

He nods, "Totally."

He knew that was a complete lie. You held him so tightly through the night he thought his lungs might actually burst. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but when he saw you sleeping deeply while snoring ever so softly his uncomfortableness disappeared.

Jungkook sighs and strokes your hair. You see that his doe eyes were soft and thoughtful making you feel a bit self-conscious. "What?"

Jungkook shrugs with his smile becoming brighter than ever. "Nothing, really." He admits.

You shake your head with a grin. "Well, I'm thinking about the plans I made for today."

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