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"So, around seven then?" Jungkook asks with one foot out the door

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"So, around seven then?" Jungkook asks with one foot out the door.

He didn't realize how long he stayed over at his parents' house until his mother asked if he was staying for dinner. He politely declined to state he already had plans but in reality, he missed you and wanted to spend the rest of his day with you.

His mother followed after him with a smile upon her face.

She nods happily, "Yes! This Thursday."

Jungkook nods as he fixes his black coat, the air was nippier than usual. "Will do. Can't wait!" He exclaims as he pecks her on the cheek. "See you Thursday night for dinner."

He gives his mom one more smile before turning away. As he walked to his car his mother shouts after him.

"Don't forget to tell Jisun, sweetheart!" She reminds. "The rest of the Park family are coming too!"

Jungkook smiles with a nod before ducking into his car. He wondered how exciting it'll be to have dinner with both your parents. Plus Jimin, of course.

He didn't tell his parents about your relationship yet. He wanted to wait for a perfect opportunity and it seems Thursday will be the best to drop the news.

He pulls out his phone and opens his messages. Quickly he presses your contact and starts to type.

Jungkook: On my way home, dear!♥️

Jungkook: Do you want to order takeout?

He waits for a minute for your reply, but there wasn't one. He waited a couple of minutes more staring at the screen with anticipation but there was no reply. Giving up, Jungkook puts his phone away with a sigh and turns on his car.

He didn't find it odd that you didn't answer his text, even though you had your phone with you at all times. He guessed you were doing something and didn't see his text. He shrugged off the thought deciding to get takeout anyway.

He backed up from the driveway and waved to his mom before driving off. When he entered the downtown district of Busan Jungkook figured getting fried chicken would be best. Seeing the closest restaurant Jungkook quickly parks his car and walks in the restaurant.

He was trying to hurry as fast as possible, surprising you with a bag of fried chicken would surely make your day. He wondered if you missed him as much as he missed you today. You didn't text him at all and Jungkok knew it shouldn't bother him but it did.

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