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"You want to throw a prom?!" Jimin questions in confusion

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"You want to throw a prom?!" Jimin questions in confusion.

You nod happily as you take out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey from your cabinet. You walk back to the living room and place the glasses and bottle on the table. "Yeah, why not?" You say as you pour yourself and Jimin a glass.

"It sounds fun."

Jimin scoffs and takes his glass. "It sounds stupid that's what it sounds like." He mutters and takes a swig. You narrow your eyes at your older brother.

There some days where you love him to death and there were other days where you want to throw out the window. Like today.

"Before judging my idea maybe you should ask me about it." You say tightly. He rolls his eyes while leaning forward. He places his glass on the table then clasps his hands. He sighs, "Fine."

He clears his throat, "Oh, Jisun please tell me why you thought of a stupid idea? Please enlighten me, oh smart one." He mocks with a high-pitch tone.

You glare at him in annoyance and grabbed the closest thing before throwing it. A pillow collides in Jimin's face and he lets out a yelp of surprise before falling back on the couch.

"You're a smart-ass!" You shout in annoyance. Honestly, couldn't your brother act like his age for once?! He chuckles and hugs the pillow to his chest.

"Hey, you asked me to ask you about this wonderful idea of yours and I did." He reasons. You roll your eyes before taking a drink.

"Whatever, you jerk."

You were already in a bad mood and Jimin pushing your buttons wasn't helping. "Just forget it." You grumble while turning your head.

A teasing smile spreads on Jimin's face as he stares at you. "Aw come on, Jisun. Can you tell me?" You puff out a cheek refusing to look at him.


"I want to know though!" He whines like a child.

"You just want to mock and make fun of me!" You exclaimed. You could smell his lies, you can tell he just wants to tease you. You knew your brother all too well. You could tell when he wanted to mess with you.

Jimin tries to control the playful grin that was forming on his lips but was slowly failing. He reaches over and pinches your cheek.

"Stop being a stubborn, little girl." He smiles. You swat his hand away and glare at him.

"Then stop being a jerk!" You retort. He laughs and leans back against the couch while watching you rub your cheek. You hated it when he does that. He always somehow gives you a red mark on your cheek.

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