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Oh my gosh, I can't believe we made it to fifty!😱 Thank you guys so much for the love and support! Love each and every single one of you!💜

Oh my gosh, I can't believe we made it to fifty!😱  Thank you guys so much for the love and support! Love each and every single one of you!💜

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You stand alone in the dark. Everywhere you looked darkness greeted you. Usually, you wouldn't mind being in the dark but this time the darkness was unwelcoming and haunting. Sweat starts to bead down your temple.

You knew why you were here, the motive was the sameness every night. Subconsciously you turn and run. You start to shout as loud as you can, your eyes welling in tears.

"Jungkook!" You scream frantically as you pick up the pace.

Just as you thought a street light comes into view. And so did an outline of a man with his back to you. You knew what was next, you have seen this scenario so many times that it ingrained in your brain. But you still felt your heart beat rapidly as tears ran down your cheeks.

Abruptly, he falls to the ground and you rush to him in panic. You see Jungkook on the ground laying on his back while grasping his chest tightly. His face was scrunched in pain with his mouth open as he gasps for air.

"Jungkook, stay with me!" You tell him frantically as you kneel beside him. You take out your phone to call 119 but there was no reception like always.

"No!" You gasp and try again but fail.

Jungkook withers in pain and lets out a small scream as breathing starts to become unbearable. You look at him in terror and drop the phone and place his head in your lap.

"Jungkook, look at me! Stay with me!" You cry. Jungkook didn't listen and squints his eyes shut.

You didn't know what to do, you felt hopeless knowing you couldn't help Jungkook. You watch in fear as his breathing starts to slow and uneven. Your sobs start to become louder for you knew what was next.

"No, no stay with me! Please!" You plead. Just as you hear his last breath you start to sob and hyperventilate for you knew your best friend was gone.

You gasp loudly and shoot up in your bed eyes wide with your chest rising up and down rapidly. You blankly stare ahead as you adjust back to reality.

Your panic attack lessens and you place a hand over your forehead feeling cold sweat coating your skin. It was yet another dream, the same one you keep having ever since.

You sniff softly as you feel fresh tears run down your cheeks. Ever since that night, you kept having that dream yet you were still scared every time you awoke. You sigh tiredly and fall back down on the mattress.

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