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The amusement park wasn't that far from where you lived

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The amusement park wasn't that far from where you lived. It was located on the coast of the ocean on the boardwalk. You and Jungkook had no idea why Namjoon wanted to meet up there but you willingly agreed to it.

You kept your distance and made sure you had at least two feet between you and Jungkook. An awkward silence filled the air as you walked to the amusement park. Both of you didn't dare speak about what almost happened many minutes ago.

You firmly kept your eyes straight ahead with your jaw tightly clenched. You tried to rid your mind of Jungkook and his stupid doe eyes that were clouded over with something you still didn't quite understand. And his lips. . .those damn soft looking pink lips that almost came close to your plump ones.

You felt your lips becoming dry again and you licked them nervously. You didn't know what to make of it. But at least you both silently agreed to never speak about it.

Jungkook looked everywhere but you. He glanced up at the tall buildings, he watched people brush pass him, he even stared down at the ground. He couldn't rid himself of the embarrassment he felt.

He didn't know what came over him but he knew for a fact he had more self-control than that. He always kept his distance with you and was always successful.

Until now.

Hanging out with you felt the same as any time but this time he just couldn't help himself. He shoved his hands into his sweater pocket and bit the inside of his cheek. He wondered what you were thinking right now. He hoped that you weren't cussing at him in your head.

Finally, you both arrived at the amusement park. The rides were brightly lit up with many people riding them. Crowds of people walked down the boardwalk with happy smiles. Kids to adults both enjoyed the night in the park.

The smell of cotton candy and other sweets greeted your nose. You took a huge whiff of it making your stomach grumble in response. You were a sucker when it comes to food.

"Did Namjoon tell you where to meet up?" Jungkook asks bringing you back to your senses.

You shook your head and took out your phone. "No, I'll call him."

You still refused to look at him making Jungkook feel a little bad. He sighs and looks around. He noticed many couples around and couldn't help but feel a little envious.


Jungkook turns to the voice and nods his head in acknowledgment. Namjoon reaches you two while holding Jin's hand. A playful smirk reaches his lips. "You know from afar you two look like an angry couple." He teases.

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