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Jungkook looks at Jin with a scoff and crosses his arms

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Jungkook looks at Jin with a scoff and crosses his arms. "I look ridiculous." He grumbles with a pout. Jin tuts and walks over to him.

"You're just saying that because you haven't seen yourself yet." He grabs him by the shoulders and turns him around. A mirror greeted the two and Jin grins happily at the reflection.

"See? You look handsome!" He compliments. Jungkook stares at his body in astonishment. He doesn't want to seem like a narcissistic but, wow.

He did look handsome. With the midnight black suit fitting him perfectly as well as the matching pants, he looked like an idol in a music awards. He tilted his head up slightly and squinted his eyes a bit admiring the look.

The last button on his white shirt was left open giving a small view of his collarbone. He wouldn't be surprised if he went out in public as this and girls fell for him on the spot.

"Hm, I guess you're right." Jungkook mumbles in thought. Jin smirks and pats his shoulders. "Of course I am, Kook. Who do you take me as?" He leaves Jungkook by the mirror to continue admiring his reflection and grabs a black tie.

"Now, all it needs is a finishing touch."

He was about to wrap it around Jungkook's neck but he retracted away quickly with a startled look. "Why do I need that?" Jungkook asks.

Jin shrugs, "It'll make your outfit more dazzling." He reasons. Jungkook thinks for a moment before shaking his head. "I think it'll be good." He turns back to the mirror while straightening his jacket.

"I don't want to worsen my image."

Jin rolls his eyes, "Image my ass." He grumbles and tosses the tie onto the burgundy chair. He sighs and crosses his arms. "Fine. We'll just go with this."

He pushes Jungkook back into the changing room before he could even react. "Now, take it off so we can go and pay." Jin says. Low grumbles were made inside the room but Jin ignores them.

He walks to his jacket that hung on the chair and takes out his phone. He quickly looks back at the door before dialing a number. It picks up and he starts to speak. "Jisun, it's me." He whispers softly.

"Yeah, I know. Your name popped up when you called." You say with a sigh. "Why are you whispering anyway?"

"Because I'm with, Jungkook." He answers as he takes a quick glance at the door. "Oh? And how is he?" You ask.

Jin sighs, "He's a little too grumpy to my liking but I'm dealing with it as any other parent would." You breathed out a chuckle and shake your head.

Jin always had that mindset that he had to take care of each one you like a mother. After all, he was the oldest besides Namjoon.

"How's the planning going? Nothing too difficult, right?" He questions.

"No, it's fine and all. I've got helpers, you know." You tell him referring to the rest of your friends. Jin nods and forms a small frown.

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