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"Open up, damn it! I know you're in there!" You hear someone yell angrily

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"Open up, damn it! I know you're in there!" You hear someone yell angrily.

You stare at the door in shock, what the hell?? Out of all the people who could bang on that door it had to be him?

Jungkook blinks in surprise wondering why he was here so out of the blue. He hasn't spoken nor seen him since the night he saw him about to kiss you. It was just his luck to have you yell at him then have a crazed ex-friend banging on his door to possibly beat the shit out of him.

He groans as he shoves his hands in his pant pockets. "The hell is he doing here?" He grumbles with a glare.

You glance at Jungkook feeling a dark aura radiating around him. His eyes became dark with his lips formed into a deep frown. Now that confused you even more, why was he angry?

Shouldn't you be the one saying that? After all, you were the one who ended things with him. He should be the one mad at you, not Jungkook from the sounds of it.

The banging started to sound harsher against the wood. You weren't sure if the door could handle the violent fist pounding for much longer.

"You open this door Jeon or I'll break it down!" Taehyung threatens.

You roll your eyes at his threat and straighten your spine. You make it to the door and twist the knob. Taehyung stumbles forward almost body slamming you.

You watch with questioning eyes as he staggers back wobbling left to right. His eyes land on you and his anger twists into disgust. He lifts his upper lip in a small snarl.

"Oh, so the cheater is also here," he declares obnoxiously. "How's playing lovebirds with a deadman going?"

You clench the knob tightly as you resist the urge to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. You glare at Taehyung as he leans against the doorframe staring at you with a mischievous grin. His eyes were coated with a drunken haze.

You could tell his mind wasn't all there when you took a whiff of his alcoholic breath. You frown in disappointment. It was barely three in the afternoon and he was already wasted. Wasn't he supposed to be at the studio practicing?

"What are you doing here?" You demand. Taehyung simply smirks at you with a brow raised.

"Am I not allowed here?"

"Yes." You answer curtly. "You're supposed to be at the studio practicing. Not getting wasted."

"Oh shut up, will you?" Taehyung snaps whole rolling his eyes. You narrow your eyes, the nerve of him.

"Excuse me?"

"What makes you think you have the right to tell me what's right or wrong?" He questions with a glare.

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