Anti- I can't control it

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Once again,  all art used in the beginning of the chapters and the book cover is mine that I drew myself. Please don't steal and repost. Thank you.

A few days later after the Septics and Sean realized Anti's condition, a lot of things changed. Marvin stopped tormenting him with nightmares and spells and spoiling his food, Sean stopped avoiding him, Schneep gave him his medication in person and actually talked to him, and even Jameson actually started communicating with him! It wasn't much but it was all a start.

Jackie, however, was still very stand-offish with him but Chase told Anti to just give him time and he'd warm up to him eventually.

They were all getting out the decorations for Halloween and they decided to assign each other different rooms to decorate that weren't their own rooms. Sean assigned them all with partners to help make it go faster and put Jameson and Schneep together to do the kitchen, Marvin and Jackie for the rec room, Chase and himself to do the outside of the house and Anti was on his own but he didn't mind. Anti was in charge of decorating the living room and he was excited about it, getting the box with the fake cobwebs, Halloween lights and other spooky things like fake spiders and tiny bats. After getting everything out, he found something at the bottom of the box.

Reaching in and grabbing it, he pulled out a framed picture that instantly made him sad, 'This is . . .' sighing, Anti stared at the picture for a while longer before taking it to his room and placing it on his end table, 'I wonder how he's doing' he thought.

The picture was of him and Dark on sharing their first Halloween together before the incident four years ago. They were the best of friends back then, or at least the best of friends that they could be without anyone noticing. Everyone else just thought that they were conspiring against them or something. Anti shook himself of the memories and went back downstairs to keep working on the living room. On his way, he ran into Marvin and Jackie who were finishing up putting lights everywhere, "What's wrong, glitch?" Marvin asked.

Anti flinched, "Please don't call me that. I hate that name. And . . .nothing. . .I'm fine"

"Sorry" Marvin coughed awkwardly, "Didn't know that actually made you uncomfortable. I know something's wrong, though. Tell us"

Anti shook his head," You wouldn't understand."

Jackie glared, making Anti gulp a little, "Look just answer the damn question." he softened a little, catching his own tone, "We're trying to be nice, here, alright, Anti?"

Anti shuffled, "Sorry. . . .I know. I found a picture in the box I was unpacking."

"And?" Marvin inquired, "Why did it make you upset?"

Anti looked away, "It was of Dark and I. You guys don't get it. He was my only friend back then. The only one who actually listened and didn't judge me. And then . . ."

"The incident?" Jackie provided. Anti nodded, "After that, Dark wouldn't even let me explain. He just stopped all contact with me. I was all alone then. He still doesn't know the truth. He'd still never listen, either."

Jackie snorted, "Why would you care about being friends with him anyways? Obviously, he's an asshole."

"No he's not!" Anti stood up for him, "Believe it or not, Dark is actually really nice. We had a lot in common. . . then again, it HAS been over three years since I've seen or talked to him ."

Marvin tapped Anti's shoulder and had a teasing look in his eyes, "Do you have a crush on Dark, Anti?"

Anti blushed red, "What!? No! Of course not!"

Anti and Dark: MisjudgedWhere stories live. Discover now