Anti- Losing Control

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It was Thanksgiving in America but Anti was thankful they didn't celebrate it. Instead, they awaited Black Friday which wasn't exactly better but he'd take that over sitting in the middle of an awkward dinner with everyone. He just wasn't in the mood to be in that social interaction although he LIVED with them all. He had been thinking about what to get everyone for Christmas and it was hard to think about, really. This would be his first Christmas celebrating with everyone where none of them hated him anymore. He'd be excited but with the monster hanging around in his mind, he was more on edge.

However, that didn't mean he was going to skimp out. The subject of money with the egos was strange but mostly, they lived off of whoever had an actual job. Which was Sean and Henrik. Marvin sometimes performed street magic and Jackie received an award here and there from a little old lady but other than that, no one really had to worry about money. But Anti really wanted to buy the others presents to show them his gratitude for giving him another chance like they did. He especially wanted to do something good for Chase for being the first to accept him.

The only problem was that he didn't know what to get anyone. Maybe a little more time thinking about it would be best.

That morning, Anti had tried to spend some more time around Jameson but he must have been annoying him because he kept checking his watch. Jameson and Anti never quite clicked together but they appreciated each other's attempts. Like when Jameson got Anti that knife! And in turn, Anti had made everyone dinner with it but he had also learned that Jameson liked darts so they'd do that together sometimes. Anti liked Jameson because he was mute but also always very understanding with him. Today, however, Jameson seemed to have had other things on his mind so Anti decided to leave him be.

Anti now sat out on their deck wearing a turtle neck in the slightly chilly weather. Thankfully, however, it was sunny so he decided to stretch out under the autumn trees. Then the sound of the screen door opening alerted him. He opened his eyes to see Marvin coming out to sit with him, "Hey Anti" he almost seemed worried.

"Hey Marv" he muttered.

"How you doing today?"

"I'm fine" 

"You sure, buddy?"

Anti grumbled a little, "I'm fine."

"Look I know you've been having nightmares lately-"

Anti shot a glare at him, his mood changing, "And I presume Chase told ya? Dammit, why can't he just mind his own business!?"

Marvin suddenly growled, "Who's the one who went to his room asking to sleep in the same room as him?"

That shut him up.

The magician sighed, "Look, Anti. I know you don't like asking for help but . . you need it"

Anti felt his anger bubbling but he tried remembering that it wasn't fully his own anger. He did need help. He just wished they all didn't treat him like a child.

"It won't work"

"What won't?"

"The potion."

Marvin narrowed his eyes at him as Anti gave a humorless smile, "Why do you say that?"

There was a sudden flash in Anti's eyes and suddenly Marvin flinched as if he were a different person for a second. Anti raised his brow at him, "Marvin? What happened? You okay?"

"Yeah, no. Yeah. . ." Marvin waved it off. He must have just been seeing things, "Thought I saw a bee is all. Um . . . Why do you think the potion won't work?"

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