Darkiplier- I'm Not Emotionless

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Darkiplier's Angst- This chapter being after Anti's doesn't mean it is right after Anti's breakthrough. In fact, I'm thinking that this takes place more so at least a year or so before Anti's chapter so pay that in mind. 

It was a calm rainy day at Raspy Hill. The rain wasn't too hard but it wasn't sprinkling either. Dark enjoyed these kinds of days. They brought a relaxing feeling with them. Dark laid in his bed in a plain black T-shirt and jeans. Most people saw him in a stunning black or gray suit but when he was just at home or out casually, he preferred something more comfortable but still his style. But it didn't matter whether he was in a suit or not, people still felt his powerful demeaning and intimidating aura. He couldn't help it or control it. It was just there.

But even his 'brothers' feared him. Well . . . most of them. Wilford was a special case but there had been a few times where even Wilford wouldn't look him in the eye.

Dark gave a long, quiet sigh and ran a hand through his black hair. Today, he had to look over a bunch of paperwork concerning Wilford, Yandere, and Google's mishaps and he wasn't looking forward to it. He'd probably have to yell at them or reprimand them, too, and he hated doing that. It just made everyone fear him more. He wasn't a bad guy. He couldn't help it if he was scary.

Celine had warned him. Well . . .Celine had warned Damien, at least. She said that he would change and would never be himself and boy was she right. He was no longer Damien, that part of him was gone. He couldn't feel things the same way as others anymore. But he could feel pain. He could feel hurt and loneliness and it was amplified whenever his 'brothers' would come across him. Dark felt their fear, although sometimes it was mild. But it still hurt that they didn't trust him.

After all, it was him along with Wilford that had brought them all together. Wilford had found Dark, first, however, in the forest. He suggested bringing them all together for a TV Show to 'somehow' hurt Mark. Not Mark, the YouTuber, but Mark the Actor. He was another ego but he had gone haywire and it was his fault he was like this. Why Wilford had lost his mind completely. Why he was alone. He missed Celine. He may be different now from Damien but there was still that part of him that called her his sister and he cared for her. But she was still resting. She had kept up that illusion in the forest for SO long. No telling when she'd wake back up or even how she'd return.

Dark grumbled to himself before finally standing back up and leaving his room. Along the way to the kitchen, he met Bim and the Jim twins who wouldn't even look at him and stopped talking as he went by. But Dark was used to this and went on his way to the kitchen anyways. Nobody was in there so he made some coffee in the silence and ate a piece of toast. When his coffee was done, he poured some in a mug and blew on it before taking a sip, enjoying the taste. His tastes had changed, he'd admit. When he was Damien, he loved pure black coffee but now he preferred it with tons of sugar. Unhealthy but delicious. He also loved dark chocolate but nobody but Wilford and Eric knew this.

Speaking of Wilford, he waltzed in happily but calmed when he noticed Dark, "Well hello there, old pal! How's old Darky doing!?"

He was always like this and it bothered Dark. He always spoke so cheery to him but Dark could sense the pain. Wilford remembered him as Damien but knew he wasn't that man anymore. Dark and Wil had to have a discussion a little time after he brought him back from the forest that Damien was gone for good and it hurt to see the pain in his eyes. Wil put on a good face but on the inside, Dark could tell he was torn apart and screaming in agony.

"I'm fine, Wil. Going to be looking through the paperwork today of your latest incidents. As well as Yandere and Google's. You all need to stop mindlessly killing people. It's getting tiring to keep up hiding it all."

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