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Flashback Three years ago

Dark was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. He felt numb, almost dead. He almost wished he was dead.

What was the point in living if his existence was so painful? Everyone was afraid of him and avoided him like the plague because of something he couldn't control. He couldn't help how he was created. A buzzing sound caught his attention and slowly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the ID.

With a small smile, Dark answered it on speaker, "Come on through."

Suddenly there was a glitching and it almost seemed as if his phone would fry until an electric spark shot through the screen. Suddenly Anti was in the room, breathing heavily from using so much energy coming through the phone.

He looked just as depressed as he was.


"Hey" they greeted each other.

Dark leaned up against his headboard, "What's up this time?"

Anti frowned and shrugged, "They left for the day. Didn't even ask if I wanted to come with them." he pouted, "Sorry I came through like that but. . . . it's lonely."

Dark nodded, "I understand" he sighed, "I'm lonely, too, I guess."

"They still not giving you the time of day?"

"Not even the night." he snorted, "This stupid aura. . . . I swear it's Actor mocking me. He wanted this, the bastard."

"Maybe" Anti nodded, "But being all angry and sad isn't going to change your problem, Dark"

"You're one to talk. You're the one who came here, remember?"

The glitch shrugged, "Can we play a game?"

Dark blinked at the change in subject but nodded anyways, "Sure. What do you want to play?"

"How about . . . checkers, today? I'll beat you this time"

"We'll see" Dark snickered before going to gather the game, his back turned to Anti.

'Stab him in the back' a voice cooed in Anti's head but he forced it away.

Dark returned with the game and they proceeded to play. Dark proceeded to win.

Anti lost his shit and flipped the table in anger, "Fuck!" Dark just rolled his eyes and picked the pieces back up calmly as Anti behaved childishly, grumbling to himself.

"I noticed the bruise on your arm." Dark said softly to distract Anti, "Jackie?"

Anti nodded, "It's alright, though. He just gripped me too hard by accident is all. He was yelling at me for something but he didn't mean to hurt me"

Dark hummed but didn't press the subject further. Anti changed the subject anyways, "Any luck on finding Actor yet?"

"None" Dark growled, his red aura lashing a tad, "Thinking on giving up on that, actually. Why bother? It's what he wants, anyways. I don't want to play his game"

"Yeah. You're not his puppet." Anti agreed with him.

Dark smirked, "Yeah. No strings on this asshole."

"You're not an asshole, Dark"

"You don't know me that well then"

"Oh whatever Mr. Emo. I'm your best friend. I know you TOO well"

Dark looked over at the time as did Anti, "I should probably get going back." the glitch sighed, "Not that they'll notice I left in the first place."

Anti and Dark: MisjudgedWhere stories live. Discover now