Jail Break

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"What?! Why in the FUCK didn't you tell me sooner!?" Mark was pacing around the room, red.

He was pissed off and Sean couldn't blame him, "I'm sorry but Dark wanted it that way until they were ready."

"I don't give a fuck!" Mark screamed, "They're MY egos! My family! I deserved to know! Why did YOUR egos get to know about it!?"

Amy tried calming Mark down, giving him a glass of water. Chica was at his side wagging her tail apprehensively as Henry hid by Amy.

"Because Dark said yours would rush into it or Yandere or Wil would do something stupid and frankly I agree"

Mark started breathing easier but was still pissed, "I guess I get that but still. . . . You guys could have at least let ME know. Fucking Actor. I thought Dark killed the son of a bitch"

Sean shrugged, "Guess not. Septic is back, too, but for some reason maybe not as 'evil' as before? I don't know. Anti said Actor was threatening him but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to kill us still"

Mark nodded, "Yeah. . . God, I just wish I would have known. Would have been funnier last night seeing all that shit happen to them."

"So what's the plan?" Amy asked, "You said that they're planning something soon. We should get ahead of them and attack first, right?"

"Right." Sean agreed, "Anti and Dark said they wanted to strike today. Anti's been saving his energy up to bust them out of that void cage thing but they need help distracting the bastards to give Dark enough time to get his energy up so he can get them out of the void"

"We need to tell my other egos then. They're good at distractions."


Yandere was heading  to the living room that morning. They were more happy than they had been for a while. Since Jackie had talked things out with them, they had become friends. Although Yan really wanted to be more, they respected Jackie's friendship. It was better than stalking him around all the time and making him uncomfortable. 

But then they noticed 'Dark' in the kitchen. He was drinking a cup of coffee but being ever observant as they were, they noticed it wasn't his usual. For one, he was drinking from a different mug than he always did. Two, he was drinking straight black coffee. Dark usually always piled sugar and cream in his morning drink.

"Hey Dark" they greeted him.

Actor merely hummed, "Morning"

Another odd thing. Dark usually always greeted them with a soft smile but this time and yesterday, he's been completely off. Like he wasn't even Dark anymore. Without another word, Yandere bit their lip in thought and walked back upstairs. They knew something was wrong and they knew who else could know. It wasn't adding up. And last night, the Septic egos were not concerned about the strange things happening to 'Dark' and 'Anti'. It just didn't fit.

They knocked on King's door where Jackie was also bunking and was greeted by the King of the squirrels, "Oh hey Yan! How are you to-"

"Can it, squirrel boy. Where's Jackie?"

King moved out of the way for them to see Jackie putting up his hair in his tiny pony-tail.

"Oh hey Yandere. What's up?"

Yandere stared at him but addressed King, "Give us some privacy, will ya?"

King gulped a bit concerned but left anyways, not wanting to be involved in Yan's wrath. Jackie sensed the tension and just as King left, they snarled at him, "You mind telling me just what the hell is going on? I know you know."

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